CF Symposium 2016

5 mai 2016 - 14:10 Mitch Drumm, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA. From gene to gene therapy, a CF concept revisited. 14:50 Christine ...
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CF Symposium 2016 08:00

Registration and continental breakfast


Welcome Word, Diane St-Jacques, CEO of Fibrose Kystique Québec & John Hanrahan, Director of CFTRc, McGill University

Session Chair: Gergely Lukacs, McGill University 09:10

Luis Galietta, University of Genoa, Italia Identification of novel F508del-CFTR modulators


Juan Ianowski, University of Saskatchewan, Sasktatoon, Canada The airway of CFTR knockout swine fail to respond to inhaled Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


Break, Scientific Posters and Press conference for the 35th anniversary of Fibrose Kystique Quebec


Lyne Gagnon, ProMetic, Montreal, Canada PBI-4050: A novel first-in-class antifibrotic agent displaying antidiabetic properties


Damien Adam, Université de Montréal, CRCHUM, Montreal, Canada Les canaux potassiques comme cibles thérapeutiques dans la réparation et la régénération de l’épithélium des voies aériennes fibrose kystique


Lane Clarke, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA Intestinal organoids to identify epithelial-autonomous effects of CF on goblet cell and stem cell function.


Lunch and Scientific Posters


Testimony of a CF patient: Audray Metcalfe

Session Chair: Dao Nguyen, McGill University 13:50

Guido Veit, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Ribosomal stalk protein silencing partially corrects the ΔF508-CFTR functional expression defect


Mitch Drumm, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA From gene to gene therapy, a CF concept revisited


Christine Bear, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada Development of a CF clinical trial in a dish


Break and Scientific Posters


Don Sheppard, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Modelling what goes on in the airways: Aspergillus fumigatus infection in CF


Closing Word, John Hanrahan ; Awards and Cocktail offered by Traffick Therapeutics.