a lot of interest in auto engine conver- sions as .... people do actually fly at -40 degrees. 100 degrees could ..... table driven by an electric motor was built. A heat ...
The Hall Effect pickups are located on the front of the propeller speed reduction unit. Shown is the forthcoming mounting for the Kitfox.
Camputer Dual Electronic Ignition System Development For The CAM 100 Auto Engine Conversions and Ignition Systems
It is easy to understand why there is
a lot of interest in auto engine conversions as replacements for traditional aircraft engines. Many pilots are very happy with the significant advantages offered by conversions. The relatively low cost of parts, the benefits of water cooling and the reduced fuel consumption are appealing improvements. In most areas of North America an easy to install cabin heat system will greatly extend the flying season. The absence of shock cooling is a definite advantage. Significantly improved fuel consumption and being able to use unleaded gasoline are big pluses. The list of advantages goes on and on. A feature of auto engines that concerns some pilots is the ignition system. If you are used to having traditional dual magneto ignitions then change to an engine with one system, it seems
By PETER BROOKE Canadian Airmotive, Inc.
7400 Wilson Ave. Delta, B.C., V4G 1E5 _____ Canada ______
like something is missing. You don't have that key on the instrument panel to check on run up or the security of a dual system. It is true that modern automotive electronic ignition systems, if carefully selected, are very reliable. It is also true that plug fouling in auto engines is virtually a thing of the past. However, it is hard to argue that a dual system would not be better. Some auto engines are factory equipped with dual ignition. These ignitions are generally engineered for economy or pollution control, not primarily for reliability. They often use a distributor which eliminates a lot of the dual effect. Also, they are not generally found on engines that would make the best conversions. Hearing the concerns some pilots
have about ignitions prompted Canadian Airmotive to develop a dual electronic ignition system for the CAM 100. The CAM 100 is the leading 100 hp auto engine conversion and an excellent replacement for the Continental 0-200. Designing the Specifications
We found that the development of the CAM 100 ignition system was not as easy as anticipated. An old fashioned points ignition with one coil and a distributor is simple to comprehend. A modern dual ignition system with one coil per cylinder, electronic advance, engine rpm l i m i t i n g and optimized dwell time proved to be a very significant project. The first job was to separate myth from reality and establish the system specifications. Starting with the spark plugs, did they have to be dual? This could be retrofitted but would be costly, partly negating one advantage of the conversion. Our survey of auto SPORT AVIATION 55
CAM 100. 'ELECTRONIC IGNITION. ADVANCE CURVE. 0. 1000 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000 ... computer controller featuring fully programmed advance, anti-kickback control and rev limiting. ..... 33 instructions; even so a printout of the program ...
The ignition system adopts CDI unit and the ignition timing cannot be adjusted. ... Inspect the CDI unit with a CDI tester ... coil test must be performed with a CDI.
controlled by EEC IV engine management module. 1.4 litre CVH ..... procedure, ensuring correct LT lead polarity. ..... cylinder head and/or the distributor flange to.
IGNITION SYSTEM. ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION. NOTICE: âColdâ and âHotâ in these sentences express the tempera- ture of the coils themselves. âColdâ is from ...
potential hazards relating to the servicing, or lack of servicing, of ..... SDS: Suzuki Diagnosis System. T: TO Sensor: ...... Use a high quality ethylene glycol base.
Early models with M152E advance curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0° ..... a fault in the distributor cap, HT leads or spark. 5Bâ¢2 Ignition ... the problem the vehicle should be taken to a suitably ... special electronic diagnostic
mitted by electromagnetic fields and received by the antenna effect of other ... Ignition filters are more frequently used on Bendix S-20 and. S-200 series ...
sive porting and turbo charging. Larger gaps at the plugs and worn ... A Capacitor. Discharge Ignition, or GDI, sends 400v to the coil for each spark. If the cor-.
If ignition timing is incorrect, check the system components ... A faulty ignition system is often related to poorly connected or corroded connectors. .... Battery voltage ... recommendations to ensure that the vehicle is in ... ELECTRIC STARTER.
plug gap before going to earth. The ignition timing is advanced and ... It is not necessary to go on until all traces of the crater ..... 17 Driving dog. 18 Retaining pin.
Apr 5, 2013 - All Tandem jumps made on the Dual Hawk Tandem System must be completed in ..... constantly creating new and innovative products living up to the ... The harness has integrated reserve risers and drogue risers .... to earth position. ...
Apr 5, 2013 - Ted Strong and Bill Morrissey began engineering the .... main deployment bag and the two loop closing ensures that even if the closing pin is worked ..... the cable housing and the cutaway cable runs through the red loop.
Civil Aeromedical Institute. Mike Monroney ..... manual adjusters which allow the re- straint to be fitted to the ... of the body, as shown in Figure 3d. With this ...
May 3, 2011 - and Bill Morrissey began engineering the tandem concept into real equipment made specifically for tandem jumping. ... Pilot Chute and free type deployment bag (freebag). ..... Release Handle, 3-ring (red) 2 ea. 730324 ...
Depending on the handset version (see table) the auxiliary contact is switched DXWRPDWLFDOO\ZLWKWKHJDVflRZ RUE\RSHUDWLQJWKHKDQGVHW. Auxiliary ...... mage est en cours. 8QH IRLV O¶DOOXPDJH GH YHLOOHXVH FRQfiUPp LO. \ D XQ flX[ GH JD] SULQFLSDO. Aprè
form a combined engine management system under the control of ... ignition coil HT lead from the distributor cap and earth it, then ... Chapter 2A. 16 On systems ...
systems power management on aircraft ... some charge. 2. ... issue ofSPORT AVIA TION carried an article wherein I proposed an Ignition Battery Management.
conducting wind tunnel tests to compare the expected theoretical, historical, and. Computational ... attack, control surface deflection, and trim tab deflection. The effects ... the desired ability of control surface actuation to change the deflectio
When it comes to an aircraft's electrical system, a ... Because an electrical system is relatively complex, this how-to guide .... to design the basics of your electrical.
It is generally easy enough to cool a modern aircraft engine for a single flight condition. It's also fairly easy to design a very low drag cooling system. The.