bouqras - JLBK

Short Historical Dictionary on Urban Hydrology and Drainage. © Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski - 08/2006. 1. BOUQRAS. Discovered by W.J. van Liere in the ...
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Short Historical Dictionary on Urban Hydrology and Drainage

BOUQRAS Discovered by W.J. van Liere in the early 1960s, Bouqras is the first village from the Neolithic period located along the Euphrates river in Syria. Archaeological borings carried out in 1965 have revealed a pipe element located 2.7 m under the present soil altitude, i.e. in layer n° 4 within level II corresponding approximately to 6750 BC (Figure 1). This pipe, which is made of the type of earth used for bricks, is associated to some architectural elements like plastered soil, pillars, brick walls and a fire receptacle (Contenson and van Liere, 1966). As this pipe is similar to those used as sewers in the contemporary Syrian Neolithic city of El Kowm* (Cauvin, 1997), it is likely that it had the same purpose in Bouqras.

Figure 1 : Stratigraphy of Bouqras : the arrow indicates the position of the pipe in layer n° 4 (in Contenson and van Liere, 1966, figure 3).

References Cauvin J. (1997). Naissance des divinités, naissance de l'agriculture - La révolution des symboles au néolithique. Paris (France) : Editions du CNRS (nouvelle édition), 310 p. ISBN 2-27105454-0. Contenson H. de, van Liere W.J. (1966). Premier sondage à Bouqras en 1965. Rapport préliminaire. Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes, 16(2), 181-192. .../...

© Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski - 08/2006


Short Historical Dictionary on Urban Hydrology and Drainage

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© Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski - 08/2006