========================================================================================= Accordage / Tuning : D-G-C-F-A-d ========================================================================================= REMARQUES / COMMENTS : For this superb track from "The Will to live" , you have to use several acoustic guitars, of which one is a 12-strings... I offer you the tab in two formats : a picture and with guitar-pro ( for the ones who don't know guitar-pro : click here for a trial version ). Several pages this time for uploading questions. There is one page per guitar. - guitar 1 - guitar 2 - guitar 3 The guitars are tuned one tone lower ( D, G, C, F, A, D ). The tempo is 120. With guitar-pro : Jah Work (47 Ko). The bass is on the fourth track...See the bass tab under a picture format : jah work-bass. Moreover I offer you the live version =========================================================================================
And the structure is : Riff A Intro, Riff B Verses, Riff C Refrain, Riff A Ad lib.
Lyrics : Tell me do you really know your brother man cause a heart speaks louder than a colour can and why would you even shake a man's hand if you're going to help him stand
Every man's actions belong to he if prepared for thereafter to each his destiny some people believe and some people know some people deceive and some people show
Jah work Jah work Jah work is never done
Jah work Jah work Jah work is never done
You must do the heaviest so many shall do none you have got to stand firm so many shall run some they rest their head at night some get no sleep at all if you listen close to what you see you will hear the call
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECHERCHER D'AUTRES TABS
And it's so hard to do and so easy to say. But sometimes ... You put the good times into my fun. And it's so ... We've tried the goodbye so many days. We walk in ...
Feb 11, 2008 - RECHERCHER D'AUTRES TABS. Niko's Art'Site. (Guitar/bass tabs et other arts) http://nikoxyd.free.fr ... Version imprimable (.pdf) : CLIQUEZ-ICI.
ton's sister city 01 the Atlantic coast in south- wesi France. ... from the City of Bordeaux near La Teste. Will ... ers' would be kept in hollow carbon statuettes.
Nov 2, 2008 - RECHERCHER D'AUTRES TABS. Niko's Art'Site. (Guitar/bass tabs et other arts) http://nikoxyd.free.fr ... Album : The Score. Version imprimable (.pdf) : CLIQUEZ-ICI .... who've past away. oh ah, oh ah, oh ah etc > Fade Out ...
Jeff BUCKLEY - Hallelujah. 1 of 3. 24/10/2008 21:32. RECHERCHER D'AUTRES TABS. Niko's Art'Site. (Guitar/bass tabs et other arts) http://nikoxyd.free.fr.
The Rolling Stones - Satisfaction. 1 of 1. 06/10/2008 23:57. RECHERCHER D'AUTRES TABS. Niko's Art'Site. (Guitar/bass tabs et other arts) http://nikoxyd.free.fr.
TITRE : You're Beautiful (Version 3). Version imprimable (.pdf) : CLIQUEZ-ICI .... C. My life is brilliant. C. My life is brilliant. G. My love is pure. Am. I saw an angel.
Oct 25, 2008 - RECHERCHER D'AUTRES TABS. Niko's Art'Site. (Guitar/bass tabs et other arts) ...... simulate a European blackbird chirping. Then: 1. 10 0 3 0 ...
Oct 24, 2008 - from the lilac tree Put my heart in its recipe It makes me see. E--------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Em. There's the moon asking to stay. F. Em. Eb. Long enough for the clouds to fly me away. F. Em Eb. Em. Is my time coming, I'm not afraid, afraid to die.
glass-fiber coating, the wood becomes supercharged, adding even more ... which is why woodâthe original miracle fiberâis at the heart of every Parker guitar.
and galleries like the Musée de l'Elysée in Lausanne, Fotostiftung in Winterthur, Centre culturel suisse de Paris, Les Rencontres d'Arles,. FOMU Antwerpen ...
Mar 17, 2004 - corpsman, buying and selling land, working as a bank criminal detective ..... added chapters on Fishing, Hunting, and Survival, and dropped the ...
May 6, 2004 - Probably the major point that. Patterson .... As he states in the foreword this text completes some open issues from earlier works: It clears up a ...
May 6, 2004 - As he states in the foreword this text completes some open issues ... The dog trip ... homestead to convince Patterson to not go away as the ...
locking device helps to keep guitars in tune, even with the ... Underneath those curves is Parker's multiple-finger joint. ..... For electronics, it has a Fishman hum.
between professional media, amateur content producing communities and ..... the cluster analysis, we identified three different frames (labeled as 'classes' in.
Course du Piston. Kolbenhub mm. Portata oentralina al 1. Gearbox capacrty. Capacit6 du groupe hydraulique. Aggregatleistung pro 1'. Velocita stelo 1' mm.