Belgium, Data Sources Last modified: 11-Oct-2005

Oct 11, 2005 - Bloomfield, Gerald T. (1984). Tables II.5-II.6. Pp. 47-51 in: New Zealand, A Handbook of. Historical Statistics. Reference publications in ...
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New Zealand Non-Maori Population, Data Sources Last Modified: 11-Oct-2005 POPULATION ESTIMATES Statistics New Zealand. Population estimates as of December 31, 1936. Unpublished data. Statistics New Zealand. Mid-year population estimates, 1937-1990. Unpublished data. Statistics New Zealand. (2004). Population estimates as of June 30, 1991-2003. Retrieved 2 September 2004 ( CENSUS COUNTS Bloomfield, Gerald T. (1984). Tables II.5-II.6. Pp. 47-51 in: New Zealand, A Handbook of Historical Statistics. Reference publications in international statistics 1984. Boston, MA: Hall and Co. BIRTHS Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. (2002). Birth counts by ethnicity and sex, 1876-1995 (Includes only Non-Maori before 1925). Unpublished data. Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. (2002). Table 2.05 - Resident Birth, Deaths and Marriages. Statistics New Zealand. Retrieved 21 August 2002 ( Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. Birth counts, 2002-2003. Unpublished data. DEATHS Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. (2002). Death counts, Non-Maori, 1876-1947. Unpublished data. Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. (2002). Death counts by age and birth cohort, Maori, 1930-1979. Unpublished data. Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. Death counts, Total and Maori, 1948-1979. Unpublished data. Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. (2002). Death counts by age and birth cohort, Maori, 1980-2001. Unpublished data. Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. Death counts by age and birth cohort, Total and Maori, 1980-2001. Unpublished data. Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. Death counts by age and birth cohort, Maori, 2002. Unpublished data.

Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. Death counts by age and birth cohort, Total and Maori, 2002. Unpublished data. Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. Death counts by age and birth cohort, Maori, 2003. Unpublished data. Demography Division, Statistics New Zealand. Death counts by age and birth cohort, Total and Maori, 2003. Unpublished data. TERRITORIAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Statistics New Zealand. (1998). Adjustment of Post-censal Population Estimates for Census Undercount Research Report # 3. Wellington: Statistics New Zealand, 40 p. Statistics New Zealand. (2004). Census night and usually resident population counts, 1991. Retrieved 1 September 2004 ( Statistics New Zealand. (2004). Total mid-year population estimates, 1995. Retrieved 2 September 2004 ( Statistics New Zealand. (2004). Maori (by new definition of ethnicity) mid-year population estimates, 1995. Retrieved 2 September 2004 ( Statistics New Zealand. (2004). "Sole" Maori (by old definition of ethnicity) mid-year population estimates, 1995. Unpublished data provided by Statistics New Zealand.