Basic Diet Rules Chocolate Brownie for Weight Loss

Nov 21, 2012 - 3 eggs, low fat -- plain yogurt, black beans, tempeh, kidney beans, low fat cottage cheese ... I have a great recipe for a brownie that you don't have to bake. ... 5 thoughts on “No Sugar Challenge for WarriorZ” .... my special mixture, and I can feel decadent and not worry about growing back my muffin top ;-) !
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Nutrition By Zuzka

Get In Shape: First Rule by Zuzka 2012-02-20 I have been working out again on a regular basis doing my Zwow's and paying attention to my diet. I feel amazing and I really wanted to share with you guys the first important rule you have to follow in terms of your diet that will leave visible in a really short time. If you are just guessing what the rule is, than watch the video ;)

Get in Shape: Basic Diet Rules 2012-02-21 I like my diet to be simple yet effective. First of all listen to your body and avoid emotional eating - eat when you are feeling a little hungry. Here is the list of Superfoods that I eat: Protein -- lean red meat, salmon, omega 3 eggs, low fat -- plain yogurt, black beans, tempeh, kidney beans, low fat cottage cheese (lactose free if you can find it), chicken breasts, turkey breasts, protein supplements (whey protein isolates, milk protein isolates, or rice protein isolates) Veggies and Fruits -- spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, oranges, mixed berries, lettuce, bananas, grapefruits, cucumbers, kale, collards, Other Carbs -- mixed beans, quinoa, whole oats, amaranth Good Fats -- mixed nuts, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, flax seeds (ground), coconut milk, Drinks -- green tea, liquid exercise drinks (quickly digested carbohydrate and protein), greens supplement

Chocolate Brownie for Weight Loss 2012-03-05 Hi WarriorZ! I have a great recipe for a brownie that you don't have to bake. It's also made out of superfoods and it's a great snack that will boost your metabolism. I will post the exact amount of each ingredient on my facebook page so check it out. Best, Zuzka Light.

13 thoughts on “Chocolate Brownie for Weight Loss” “It took me some time to find the ingredients: 1/2 cup raw cocoa powder 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 1tsp cinnamon

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1/3 cup almond milk 1/2 cup organic raisins or better yet you can use organic mixed dried berries 1/2 cup old fashioned gluten free rolled oats 1/2 cup almond meal Blend? it all in food processor into a smooth dough and then press it into a square dish. Leave it in the fridge for like an hour and then just cut out small squares out of the brownie for a snack. “

Here is the recipe with metric units: 1.2 dl raw cocoa powder 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tsp cinnamon 0.8 dl almond milk 1.2 dl organic raisins or dried berries 1.2 dl gluten free rolled oats 1.2 dl almond meal

No Sugar Challenge for WarriorZ 2012-04-08 Our challenge for tomorrow is NO SUGAR. Let me know if you are on board :) 5 thoughts on “No Sugar Challenge for WarriorZ”

No Salt Challenge for WarriorZ 2012-04-10 Too much sodium in your diet is no bueno, so I would like you to try to cut down on your salt intake for just one day and see if you can stick with it. I did and I really don't miss the extra salt. Best, Zuzka.

Zuzka Light – Supplements for fat loss 2012-09-25 Hi guys, I have been reading your questions on and one of the most common ones was about supplements. I did my best to answer your questions and I am as always looking forward to reading your feedback ;)

Best, Zuzka.

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ZCHEF Pre-Workout Snack 2012-10-06

ZCHEF Smoothie Time! 2012-10-20

Hi Zuzka, I created another type of smoothie for those that get those hard sugar cravings. It worked wonders for my cravings but of course in moderation. :) If you have any other suggestions for ingredients let me know. ps this smoothie was set for 2 and a half serves. One glass per person. 2 bananas 1 small mango cheek 1 handful of frozen mixed berries 2 heaped tbsp plain low fat natural greek yoghurt 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk 1 tbsp of peanut butter/almond butter 1 tsp cinammon 1 tsp organic cocoa powder 1 tsp of chocolate sauce – (natural or organic if possible) or you may add in a tsp of organic dark chocolate chips if you are really craving hardcore sugar. Remember this was roughly 2 1/2 worth of serves. The calories are low and healthy if kept to your one glass serving size. :) Enjoy for those that try it. My cravings disappeared after a few sips and it tasted sooo good. Thanks for your awesome posts Zuzana :)

ZCHEF Guilty Foods 2012-11-21

Hi guys, I have two questions for you: 1)What is your weakness when it comes to guilty foods?

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2) What is your substitute for your favourite guilty foods? Let me know in the comments below :) Z. Hi Z. First of all, your new site looks awesome and i can’t wait for everything to work for 100%. About the food, my weekness is clearly chockolate, especially when i have lots of stress. I still eat it every day, but only very little pieces in my muesli, so i skip the big craving over the day and it works fine for me. Thank you guys for stopping by and for your comments. Hanni, chocolate is my weakness too. I like to have a piece of chocolate when I have stress. I don’t really see anything bad about that as long as you don’t go overboard.

Honestly 1 – great cheese and great red wine :) 2 – I have yet to find a substitute :( Realistically 1 – Buttery waffles with syrup 2 – Dr. Bronner’s Coconut Oil, cinnamon and a touch of honey on toasted Dave’s Killer Bread (Good Seed style) You are making me hungry :)

This ZCHEF episode is really cool! I think the website looks great, too. I’m so happy it worked out : ) 1) I love peanut butter milkshakes but this is what I like to do now instead, which goes into the second question: 2) I use either Adams Peanut Butter without salt or almond butter, and mix it with frozen plain organic fat-free yogurt, millk, vanilla extract, nutmeg and honey Great post, Zuzka! I do a lot of these substitutes myself. I do the frozen banana ice cream all the time! Other cravings I have are pizza, beer, wine and chocolate. I don’t really substitute–I just have a little here and there instead. :) Love the new website! Keep it up–I love following you and your workouts! Way to go. It’s good to have the will power that keeps you from overeating. I like that.

Hey Zuzka! :) Have you ever tried a peanut butter and banana sandwich? Soooo yummy! There are killer with a little dallop of nutella too! ;) Those are my favorite! Another weakness of mine is french fries! The tastiest substitute I’ve found so far: -1 Raw Jicama cut into fry shaped slices -2-3 cloves of garlic, minced -1/2 tsp of sea salt 1/8 to 1/4 tsp of cayenne paper 2 TB Olive oil Toss it all together! It doesn’t really taste like french fries, but it totally satisfies my oily salty cravings! Hot Chocolate is my MUST HAVE warm beverage…I just always want it, any of time of day, any time of the year. SO, I make my own mix with instant decaf (Trader Joe’s, but it’s discontinued so I’ll have to find another one! boo!); raw cocoa powder, coconut milk powder and White Stevia powder. One little teaspoon of

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my special mixture, and I can feel decadent and not worry about growing back my muffin top ;-) ! I really love the ‘healthy substitutes’ post! I usually have a hard time finding easy breakfasts that aren’t too high in fats or carbs, so here are some of my tricks! instead of a bagel and cream cheese, I have a slice of whole wheat nut & seed bread topped with non-fat cottage cheese for less calories, more fiber, and more protein! Instead of sugary cereal, I have oatmeal with dried fruit and nuts instead of fried egg omelet I have chopped hardboiled eggs and thinly sliced veggies with parmesan cheese sprinkled on top

Candy bars for fat loss? 2012-11-26 Hi WarriorZ, In my recent post I have shared with you the treats that I had for Thanksgiving dinner, because I wanted to make the point that Im not as strict, when it comes to nutrition as you may think. I don't ever see myself stressing over the food I ate at Thanksgiving dinner, wedding, birthday party, or during Christmas, when everyone else is just stuffing their faces and enjoying themselves. There is a time to relax and enjoy the things that I normally don't eat (or not as often). That said, I do not take my health for granted and I do care about the quality of the food that I eat on a daily basis. For example, check out the image below.

Im sure that everyone knows what this is. It's a really tasty looking Snickers bar, that I had to buy and bite in order to take this picture :)

So anyways, I would like to point out, that not all calories were created equal. While it is true, that you can lose overall weight by eating Snickers bars, as long as you cut down on the overall calorie intake, this type of dieting would not be good for your health, energy, or even mood and beauty. You can lose weight by eating

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any types of food if the amount of calories you take in is lower then, the amount of calories you burn. That doesn't mean that you will lose fat and preserve the lean tissues. You can still lose weight and be the skinny fat person. I can't stress this enough, skinny does not mean beautiful. Healthy, happy, and fit is beautiful. So while I don't want to trash Snickers bars completely, because lets face it, they did save my life a few times when I was really, really hungry or cranky while PMSing, I do want to let you know, that it's not the best option for you, if your goal is to lose weight, and stay healthy. Im really good in long ongoing sentences :) ok lets move on to the next image.

Fruit is my favourite substitute for candy bars. I get excited about fruit just as much as I do about chocolate or candy, however knowing the benefits of choosing fruit over candy, makes me almost always make the right choice. Fruit is a low calorie density food that contains high volume of water and fibre, plus most fruits and vegetables are low on the glycemic index, and won’t significantly alter blood glucose and insulin levels. This means, that eating a lot of fruit can help you with satiety and to manage your bodyweight. Also don't forget, that the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals found in fruit, are not only really good for your skin, they also help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, asthma, high blood cholesterol, and all kinds of cancers. Eating fruit on a daily basis is the foundation of a healthy diet and individual vitamin supplements will not provide you with the same benefits.

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Did you know that biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria? It won't replace a toothbrush tho.

Did you know that cherries are great for reducing pain and joint soreness after workouts for their anti-inflamatory benefits? They are also referred to as "brain food", because they help in overall brain health and prevention of memory loss.

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Did you know that orange peels are useful for exfoliating facial scrubs and rubbing fresh orange peel can repel mosquitoes?

I couldn't find any fun fact about pineapples, but it's good to know that they contain enzymes that help your body with healing of bruises and swelling. Also pineapple contains a lot of vitamin C, that promotes healthy immune system, tissue repair and the body’s production of collagen. Vitamin C also helps the body to metabolize fats, which is a good news for everyone who's trying to lose weight.

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Best, Z.

P.S. Always looking forward to reading your comments

Get Ready for Christmas Treat Makeovers 2012-12-03

Hi WarriorZ,

It's time to shop for Holidays and my plan is to come up with healthier versions of Christmas meals and treats. I had a great success with my Power Balls last year so I would like to do that recipe again and share it with you. A good friend of mine works at this fancy restaurant in West Hollywood so I brought her a box of my balls one night, when I came over for a dinner. She shared them with the rest of the bartenders and waiters and by the end of the night I've got offers to bake them for money for their entire families :) That was last Christmas and I still get asked about my balls whenever I go there for dinner.

The base for healthier cooking are the ingredients. You can create amazing makeovers of popular recipes if you can substitute the fattening unhealthy ingredients for the healthier ones. For example if there is a flour in a recipe for Christmas cookies, you can substitute with almond flour or oatmeal flour. If the recipe requires sugar, you can use honey instead. I went to Trader Joes and picked some basic ingredients: almond flour, raw almonds, raw cashews, raw walnuts, raw pecans, organic raw honey, maple syrup, dry berries, coconut oil,

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shredded coconut, almond butter, and almond milk. You will also need things like eggs, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and spices. This is the first step. Get your ingredients and then just start looking for recipes that you would like to do in your own healthier way. If you guys have some great recipes that you would like to share, don't hesitate to share them in the comments below. I will be posting recipes this week so make sure to check back.

Best, Z

Power Balls are Back – New Better Recipe 2012-12-05 The ingredients are almost the same, however what changed is the amounts and also I got rid off the coconut oil, and brought in a tiny bit of the Maple Syrup. I will explain as we go, so lets move on.

In my first recipe I worked with only 1 cup of baby carrots. This time make it two cups. Trust me it's going to be so much better.

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First thing you want to do is to put the carrots into a steamer. Once they're soft, you want to preheat the oven for 375F

You will need 1 and 1/2 cups of rolled oats, which you have to put into a blender to make a flour out of them. I have an amazing blender from Vitamix (that thing is awesome) so it was super easy. Keep the oat flour in the blender and go measure your Almond Meal

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You will need 3 cups of Almond meal and add it to the Oat Flour into the blender. You want to mix those ingredients together but switch the blender off just before it starts to make Almond butter. You don't want that. I left it just long enough to get a little bit of moisture out of the Almond Meal. The next step is to transfer it into a bowl and add cooled down mashed carrots.

Add 3 teaspoons of baking powder and mix it all in.

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It's time to sweeten it up a little. Grab your honey.

Add 4 tablespoons into the mixture and mix it up very well.

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Pour a little bit of the Maple syrup on a plate and start rolling your balls in it. This picture does not look as appetizing, however it will make your balls nice and sweet and it will be easy to roll them in the crushed pecans.

Don't worry about adding a little bit of the Maple Syrup. I took this picture just to show you that I started with brand new bottle and I didn't really used that much and I rolled in all of my 25 balls.

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As soon as you cover them in the Maple Syrup and they are all sticky you want to roll them some more in the crushed Pecans. I wasn't paying attention how much pecans I used for this part, so just make sure to have enough. At least 2 cups. You don't want to put your balls naked into the oven.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and stack your balls on top of the paper. I baked them for about 11 minutes on 375 F by mistake, because I thought that I had it on 325 F so I turned the oven down and had them baking for additional 5 minutes. They turned out just perfect. Cracked on the top and really nice and moist on the inside.

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As you can see this recipe is made out of healthy ingredients, however you got to be careful, because they are very filling and super tasty, so it is very easy to have more then you should. I have calculated the amount of calories and it turns out that if you make 25 balls out of the mixture like I did, then 1 ball is going to be about 140 calories.

One more thing, let them cool down before you take a bite out of them.

Enjoy your balls!



Healthy French Fries – Recipe Make Over 2012-12-10 Hi WarriorZ,

I hope you had a great weekend and that you are already getting into the Holiday mood. I was invited to a Hanukkah dinner for the first time in my life. It was so much fun and the food!! I am not a religious person, but thank god for different religions and their fun holidays.

What I would like to share with you today is a healthy version of French Fries.French Fries are one of the

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most fattening foods out there that is unfortunately so good that it makes it hard for us to resist. Let's admit it. Who orders a side salad with your grilled chicken breast, but keeps reaching into your friends plate who ordered french fries? ME. I know, and trust me, I am not proud of it. I do try my best to control the craving and at least I do not order them. I just eat them and my friend pays for it :) haha. No, really I can never resist to have at least a few. That made me think and search for a recipe make over that would allow us to enjoy French Fries without getting fat and guilty.

Luckily for all of us, there is a great substitute for potato french fries that is just as tasty and I personally prefer the taste. Have you ever tried to make French Fries out of Carrots?

Just preheat the oven for 475F and in the meanwhile cut the carrots (about 5-6 for two portions) into a "french fries like" pieces and toss them in a bowl with 1-2 teaspoon of Coconut Oil.

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Coconut oil will give them amazing taste and this oil is also great for high temperature baking. Do not use any salt yet. Bake them for about 6 minutes on a nonstick baking sheet and then switch to broil for another 6 - 7 minutes. I do that in my oven because the broiling makes them nice and crispy on the top.

There are endless ways to eat your healthy french fries. I had a grilled chicken breast, sauteed mushrooms with pine nuts and fresh parsley, and my little Carrot miracles for today's dinner. The carrot fries and the mushrooms are juicy but if it still feels too dry for you, you can have a home made salsa instead of ketchup.

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Let me know about your own recipe make overs in the comments below and thanks for stopping by. Z.

Skinny Meatloaf Rules 2012-12-12 Hi WarriorZ, You can find tons of recipes for Meatloaf and pick the ones that are the most appealing for you, however if you are on the quest of losing fat or losing weight, you should read on about the basic rules for Skinny Meatloaf.

#1 Always pick extra lean meat. I like to mix extra lean beaf with extra lean turkey meat for my Meatloaf.

#2 Use oats instead of breadcrumbs for bonding. Oats are the better option for anyone who is interested in losing fat due to their high fibre and low saturated fat content.

#3 Add your favourite veggies. You can use, carrots, green peas, red bell pepper, onion, garlic, celery, and fresh spices like oregano, basil, parsley, etc. Your veggies/oats ratio should be at least 2:1.

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#4 Meatloaf is great with mashed potatoes, but those are not the best option for you if you are trying to lose fat. As a rule of thumb, if you are already fit and want to enjoy the great taste of mashed potatoes, then go with sweet potatoes. If you are exercising hard on a regular basis (5 zwows a week) and you are happy with your progress, you don't feel like you need to be too strict with your diet, but you still want to support your training efforts, then make half and half mash out of sweet potato and cauliflower. If you want to lose fat and you want diet that will support your efforts, then do the mash strictly out of just Cauliflower and use just a teaspoon of coconut oil instead of butter. All those 3 options will taste great with your Meatloaf and you'll feel amazing that you are eating something that is good for you.

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#5 Keep your portion sizes small. Your digestive system will work way more efficiently if you'll eat smaller portions throughout the day, then if you just overload it in one sitting.

Have fun creating your own Meatloaf recipe :) Best, Z.

Leftover Soup For Weight Loss 2012-12-27

Skinny Spaghetti Recipe for Fat Loss 2012-12-31

Baked Salmon with Creamy Basil Sauce 2013-01-09

Fat Loss – Exercise vs. Diet 2013-01-16

Fat Loss – Portion Sizes & Calories 2013-01-18

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Fat Loss – Your Questions & My Answers 2013-01-22

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