Are you a good friend?

3) If your friend wants to tell you her affairs of the heart... a) You listen to everything b) You listen if it ... 6) If your friend cries... a) You do everything to console her.
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Are you a good friend? By Mélanie and Samantha (4e Renoir)

1) If your friend asks you to help him, you answer... a)Yes, no problem! b) If you want, after school c) No, I don't have the time

2) If your friend needs a big favor... a) You come immediately b) You see when you have free time c) You suggest to her to ask her relatives. 3) If your friend wants to tell you her affairs of the heart... a) You listen to everything b) You listen if it is not too long c) Another day maybe... 4) Your friend is robbed... a) You immediately go and see the robber b) You tell your teacher c) You don't say anything 5) Does it sometimes happen to you to arrive at school dressed like your friend? a) Yes, often b) Sometimes c) No, never

6) If your friend cries... a) You do everything to console her b) You wait for her to calm down c) You prefer to leave her alone 7) Do you have the same tastes? a) Yes, often b) Sometimes c) Rarely 8) Do you go to the cinema together? a) Often b) Sometimes c) No, we don't like the same movies

Now, count your points ! 1a) =4

1b) = 2

1c) = 0

2a) = 4

2b) =2

1c) = 0

3a) = 4

3b) = 2

3c) = 0

4a) = 4

4b) = 2

4c) =0

5a) = 4

5b) = 2

5c) = 0

6a) = 4

6b) = 2

6c) = 0

7a) = 4

7b) = 2

7c) = 0

8a) = 4

8b) = 2

8c) = 0

CONCLUSION ! If you get less than 10 points...

If you get between 11 and 20 points...

If you get more than 21 points...

You are not there for your friends, you are worried more about you than about others. For you, friends are not important.

You are not always there for your friends. You are there but not all the time and you are there without much desire. For you, friends come second.

You are a very good friend, you are always there when one needs you. Even in difficult situations. For you, friends are sacred.