annexe w2p - Un, deux, trois, blog ... into why some print professionals are hesitant to invest in such technology.
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Aurélie Marillier Pierre Achard


Veille Technologique :

Le Web to Print

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Annexes I - Références A - Bibliographiques B - Webographiques

II - Documents

Références A - Bibliographiques - Julie Shaffer, Nothing but Net, American Printer, mars 2007 - Anonyme, Printflx accroît son développement dans le e-printing, France Graphique, janvier 2006, n°273 - Stéphanie Olion, Intergraphic fait le plein de nouveautés, France Graphique, janvier 2008, n°284, p81 - B.ZIPPER, Fresh Opportunities for the Printing and Media Industries, The Seybold report, 28 juil 2006, vol 6, n°1, p5-9 - K.WOLF, Print Via the Web, Quicly and Confidently, The Seybold report, 24 aout 2006, vol 6, n°9, p13-15 - J-PARSONS, Variable Data and Web to Print Applications Abound, The Seybold report, 30 nov 2006, vol 6, n°10, p2-4 - J-PARSONS, Quark Tiptoes Into Print E-commerce, The Seybold report, 20 setp 2007, vol 7, n°18, p2 - J.SHAFFER, W2P, American Printer, mai 2006, vol 123, n°5, p28-42 - Yvan Guémard, Webt to Print : nouvel eldorado pour l’imprimé?, Caractère, novembre 2007, n°636, p10 - Anonyme, Insite : solutions portail et épreuve, Caractère, novembre 2007, supplément au n°636, p18

B - Webographiques - Jocelyne Rouis (CERIG / EFPG), site : - article du 13 janvier 2000 : Les sites web des industries graphiques ( - article d'octobre 2000 : Les impacts d'Internet sur la communication dans les entreprises graphiques et papetières ( - article du 16 octobre 2000 : Les plates-formes d'affaires pour l'imprimerie ( - Antoine Gaillard, site :, 7 novembre 2007, article : Intergraphic Sud 2007 : PrintFlux met en avant sa rapidité de mise en oeuvre par les imprimeurs ( - Charley Sifaoui, site :, 2 mai 2001, article : Guide du visiteur : Adhoc Graphic, Nikko, printChanner, Teleprosoft (

PrintFlux met en avant la simplicité de mise en place de ses solutions de commandes en ligne de produits imprimés sur Intergraphic Paris Sponsor du Trophée Intergraphic 2008 du produit e-Business, le spécialiste des solutions de commandes d'imprimés par internet a décidé de mettre en avant sur le salon, sa rapidité et sa facilité de mise en oeuvre par les imprimeurs. Le secteur des industries graphiques connaît aujourd'hui un bouleversement majeur riche de très nombreuses opportunités pour les professonnels de l'imprimerie. Si pendant de nombreuses années, les évolutions sont principalement venues des technologies d'impression, ce qui change désormais pour un imprimeur, c'est la façon même de commercialiser ses services, sa relation client, la façon de recevoir des commandes puis de les traiter. Le développement de l'internet et de l'e-procurement, l'approvisionnement par internet, représentent un formidable levier commercial et de réduction de coûts pour les imprimeurs, par l'automatisation de très nombreuses tâches. Pionnier sur le secteur dès 2002, PrintFlux a développé des applications opérationnelles pour répondre à des besoins tant B to B que B to C, au travers de 3 modules spécifiques : • PrintFlux Corporate Solutions de commandes par internet destinées aux imprimeurs ciblant une clientèle d entreprises, grands et moyens comptes. • PrintFlux Store Solutions de boutiques en ligne avec paiement par carte bancaire destinées aux imprimeurs ciblant une clientèle grand public : TPE-TPI, professions libérales, associations et particuliers • PrintFlux Linker Solution d interfaçage de PrintFlux aux systèmes d information (ERP) de type SAP, Ariba, Oracle etc. des grands comptes et grandes organisations. A l'occasion d'Intergraphic Paris, PrintFlux a souhaité mettre en avant sa rapidité de mise en oeuvre et sa facilité d'utilisation par les imprimeurs, deux éléments qui constituent l'une des clés du succès d'une démarche de "web impression". Confronté à une demande de l'un de ses clients, un imprimeur peut en effet difficilement se permettre le luxe de passer des semaines voires des mois à y répondre. Sa crédibilité est alors en jeu, sur un nouveau métier pour lui - la maîtrise de services associant de l'e-business à de l'imprimerie - métier sur lequel il a tout à prouver. Un élément conforté par les chiffres : près d'un tiers des clients de PrintFlux l'adoptent après avoir tenté en vain de développer eux même des solutions informatiques ou s'être équipés de logiciels difficiles voire impossibles à mettre en oeuvre puis à déployer auprès des utilisateurs. Face à ce constat, les solutions PrintFlux se distinguent par une simplicité de mise en oeuvre plébiscitée par leurs utilisateurs. Nul besoin par exemple pour un imprimeur de disposer d'une compétence interne en informatique. Les opérateurs PAO et pré-presse classiques sont en effet pleinement à même de mettre en place des portails de commande internet, des plus simples aux plus complexes.

Pour Domitille Lemaire-Havet, responsable e-printing de l'imprimerie Havet (62) et utilisateur de PrintFlux de longue date, "PrintFlux se caractérise par une utilisation très intuitive pour les collaborateurs de l'imprimerie. Nous avons par exemple créé puis déployé un site d'e-printing pour l'un de nos grands comptes qui comprenait 120 utilisateurs pour un catalogue de 30 références en à peine 4 semaines. Aujourd'hui, près de 25% de notre chiffre d'affaires transite en e-printing par Printflux, sachant que 80% de notre coissance (14% entre 2005 et 2006) vient de cette démarche". Des chiffres qui parlent d'eux-mêmes et qui démontrent le potentiel de croissance qui existe pour les imprimeurs sachant s'adapter à ce nouveau marché exigeant et prometteur. PrintFlux sur Intergraphic Paris Du 15 au 17 Janvier 2008 Palais des Congrès de Paris Stand N1 Au sujet de PrintFlux : Présenté lors d'Intergraphic 2002 par la société GraphiWare, PrintFlux consiste en une gamme complète de solutions de passation de commande d'imprimés par internet, se présentant comme un flux PDF optimisé, de la génération des BàT en ligne à l'édition des bons de livraison. Compatible avec les logiciels de facturation, de GPAO et les flux de production traditionnels, PrintFlux permet de réaliser tant des portails de commande B to B (PrintFlux Corporate), que des boutiques en ligne de vente d'imprimés grand public : faire-parts, cartes postales, calendriers et livres photo, objets publicitaires personnalisés, etc. (PrintFlux Store). Principalement commercialisée en Europe (France, Allemagne, Suisse, Belgique, Portugal) et au Canada, PrintFlux se caractérise par un grande rapidité de mise en oeuvre ainsi qu'une simplicité d'utilisation sans égale, évitant à l'imprimeur tout recours à une compétence informatique interne. Des caractéristiques qui font de PrintFlux un vecteur d'impression et un générateur d'idées sans équivalent. PrintFlux 6 ter, rue Van Loo 91150 Etampes Tél. : 01 75 02 60 10 Email : [email protected] Fichier déclare a la CNIL sous le numéro 630028. L'article 27 de la loi no 78-17 du 06 janvier 1978 relative a l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés s'applique aux données nominatives. Elle garantit un droit d'accès et de rectification pour ces données auprès de GraphiWare SA.

Web-to-print market set for rapid growth over next five years according to Canoncommissioned study LONDON, 16th October, 2007 – The number of companies with a web-toprint solution is set to grow by 68% during the next five years, according to a Canon-commissioned study, undertaken by InfoTrends. However, the research, which is the first to analyse the pan-European web-to-print market, also reveals that the print industry is split almost equally between the ambitious and technology literate that embrace the potential


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of internet-related technologies, and those who either reject web-toprint, or are unsure of what it can do.

Web-to-print installations set to grow by 68% in five years Print volumes to increase by 264% by 2010 and be worth in excess of £7.2bn ( 10.5bn) A quarter of print professionals are unsure of what “webto-print” means (40% in UK) UK in bottom third of web-to-print adopters in Europe The study, based on 650 interviews with commercial printers, digital specialists, copy shops and pre-press bureaus in 13 European countries, reveals that almost a third currently have a web-to-print solution. However, that figure is set to grow by more than two thirds in five years’ time when around half of all European printers will have web-to-print. Of those printing companies questioned in the UK, 20% currently have a web-to-print solution, which is set to double during the next five years. However, this means that in five years’ time 60% of the UK’s print companies will eschew web-to-print, placing it in the bottom third of countries in terms of adoption. Those European printers with a web-to-print solution in place currently receive an average of 14% of their job volume through the system, but clearly anticipate an increase in demand in the coming years as customers become accustomed to online ordering. So much so that by 2010, European printers with web-to-print systems expect to receive more than a third of their print volume via web-based applications – an increase of 264%. Indeed InfoTrends estimates that the volume of work submitted via web-to-print will be worth in excess of £7.25bn ( 10.5) billion by 2010. Most printers currently offer basic web-based functionality such as the ability for their customers to send print-ready files through a branded web storefront, accepting customer requests for a quote online, or proofing jobs over the internet. However, the study shows that printers are less likely to offer more complex, automated web-to-print or variable data applications. Just over a quarter of those with a web-to-print system currently provide automated quotes via a web interface, a figure that rises to 62% when you include those that plan to do so in the future. An identical proportion (28%) currently offer their customers integrated marketing campaigns using print and URLs, which increases to 55% once those planning to are included. The least common web-to-print function was the ability to provide mailing lists over the web, with 26% currently doing so and a further fifth planning to do so, giving a total of 48%. However, there’s some confusion about the term “web-to-print” itself, with a quarter (26%) of European print professionals admitting that they were unsure of what it means. But when it comes to understanding webto-print, the Nordic countries lead the way. Just 10% of Finnish print executives admitted that they didn’t understand the term, followed by their Danish (12%), Norwegian (16%) and Swedish (18%) counterparts.

Canon UK - Web-to-print market set for rapid growth over next five years according to Canon-commissioned study

In contrast, 40% of British print professionals were unsure, as were 46% of French executives, and the most confused, or perhaps most honest, were Belgian print bosses (48%). Ben Milford, Head of Professional Marketing, Canon Business Solutions, said: “The term ‘web-to-print’ has become something of a buzzword for a host of internet-based technologies, many of which are not true web-toprint systems, so it’s unsurprising that there’s a degree of confusion around it. This research is the first to give an accurate picture of current and future web-to-print penetration across Europe, and gives an insight into why some print professionals are hesitant to invest in such technology. Although UK printers are in the bottom third in terms of webto-print adoption, they are far more likely to be integrated into their internal workflow or management information systems. We believe that this research will help Canon to continue to develop solutions that give our customers a competitive advantage.” Perhaps surprisingly, the survey reveals a European print industry that appears to be splitting in two, between the ambitious, technology-literate companies, who either have, or plan to introduce, web-to-print, and those that have yet to embrace such solutions. Of those European print companies that have no plans to invest in webto-print, the majority (52%) of them currently use email and FTP sites to receive jobs from customers, and many (47%) feel that the need for a web-to-print solution is negated by other digital media, such as CDs and USBs. Other barriers to entry cited include cost (25%), lack of suitable print applications (25%), a lack of IT skills (21%), lack of customer acceptance (20%), a lack of technical workflow skills (15%) and security concerns over web-based services (10%). Only 17% of those without plans to install a web-to-print solution said that it was because they did not believe in the concept. Ralf Schlozer, Associate Director of InfoTrends European On-Demand Printing Service said: “The predicted growth of 10.5 billion (£7.2bn) of print products handled by web-to-print systems by 2010 illustrates that this is a substantial opportunity for European print service providers. But those choosing not to invest in web-to-print will not be able to take advantage of this growing market. This research suggests that the webto-print market is still in an early adoption phase. Many web-to-print solutions are still under utilised and lack sophistication. The lack of integration with internal workflow and administration systems and the high number of internally developed solutions in the market are evidence of this low degree of sophistication. Many benefits can be found in automating the print procurement process, lowering the barriers for customers and offering value-added services such as job tracking, remote proofing, database services and more. Educating print buyers on these benefits will lead to more widespread adoption,” added Schlozer. About the survey: The Canon-commissioned survey, undertaken by InfoTrends, was conducted in July 2007. The research comprised 652 telephone interviews, 50 per country in the following: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Can't find what you are looking for? Why not visit our News Archive to search our news database for a specific item.

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It's a Digital World

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The printing industry is experiencing phenomenal transformation due to major advances in technology. In your world, it means not only

customer relationships, dramatically improve customer convenience,

facing continually evolving technology demands, but also the expectation of increased innovation to ensure customer retention, expected quality, and shorter turnaround times for every project. All of

and to become your customers’

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It is evident that Web-to-print is changing the traditional dynamics of

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Making It Happen

You can take the ordering system one step further by branding Web

Web-to-print makes it possible for your customers to save money when used as a document management system. They can order marketing and sales collateral as needed allowing them to reduce inventory and avoid overstocking. A recent industry survey states that 63 percent of participating printing companies said that offering a Web-to-print solution increased their print volume, while the other 37 percent said it improved the profitability of their work and increased customer satisfaction.

pages with your customers’ graphics and messaging to mimic the look and feel of their own intranet, creating a user-friendly and familiar interface for each client. Additionally, with PPBG’s cutting-edge solutions, customers can send new documents to your facility directly from their desktop computers or wireless devices. They can choose pre-defined jobs from a visual catalog, or select variable data printing (VDP) and non-print items, such as advertising specialties, logo merchandise and apparel, and even multi-item kits. Web-to-print solutions provide your customers the very best in customer

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service while reducing administrative costs, saving time, and improving margins.

savings. Turnaround time has been drastically reduced per job because

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of these workflows, and small jobs can now become more profitable.

If you don’t have a Web-to-print solution, you will be at risk of losing

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per piece and increases margins. As the printing process becomes more

Web-based services become more mainstream, the landscape of

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becoming essential to profitability.

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PPBG’s online solutions deliver the full document control that makes this type of solution successful—letting your customers order collateral materials, and proofread documents on-screen. Customers can even see paper colors and available finishing options. And because they can

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At Ricoh we know documents are essential for business. For your business to succeed, and to keep up, you need to deliver cost-effective, high quality, secure document services. Additionally, you must evolve as business needs and technologies change, while effectively reaching out to clients with new services and workflows—and rarely can you do this alone. Ricoh’s Production Printing Business Group (PPBG) is a trusted partner who listens and understands your unique needs in order to provide creative insights, deliver effective answers, and integrate new systems within your infrastructure. Call us today at 877-212-6064 or visit us at to find out the many ways we can help your business grow and profit.

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