Total duration: 04:32:57
Activity group(s): 2 Number of exercises: 294
Advanced Unit 6a (28 activity (ies) 02:19:37) Keywords [18 word(s)] agency apartment available classified ad condo deposit equipped for sale housing landlord loan location monthly to move in (v.) owner to purchase (v.) realtor to rent (v.)
Picture/Word Association with speech recognition [4 exercises] 1 a house an embassy a castle a trailer an igloo a bridge
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2 an apartment a house a castle a museum a shop an attic
3 a friend a stranger a shop assistant a mother a teacher a policeman
4 a relative an acquaintance a dealer a stranger a bosom buddy a foreigner
Dialogue: Explore [1 exercises] 1
You want to rent a place to live. How do you think you'll find what you need? 2 2 3
Through an agency. Newspaper ads. By word of mouth.
What are you looking for exactly? 4 4 4
A house. An apartment. I don't know exactly.
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What do you mean by word of mouth? 2 2 2
Building managers. Friends and relatives. Neighborhood associations.
How many rooms do you need? Two. Three or four. Five, at least.
6 5 5
And how many bedrooms? Only one. Two bedrooms. I need three of them.
6 6 6
You call an owner who seems to have something interesting available: "Mr. Smith speaking, may I help you?" 7 7 8
I'm looking for housing. Do you have any places to rent? I'm calling about the ad.
I do have an apartment on George Washington Avenue. I'd prefer a house. Yes, it might interest me. I would like more details.
No, I don't have any. 9 9
What ad are you talking about? 9 9
For an apartment on George Washington Avenue. The one in the New York magazine.
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It is a nice, well-equipped, four-room apartment in a big building. I don't like big buildings. What is the rent? What floor is it on?
10 10
Yes, of course.
Come and visit it.
It's a good deal, you know. Can I visit it? I'm not interested. How does it look?
Too bad. Goodbye. $800 a month. Third floor.
Which day is convenient for you? Is today possible? Tomorrow would do. Wednesday.
Yes, of course.
Phonetics Exercise [6 phoneme(s)]
ads exactly housing magazine buildings deposit
through two New do few
soon commuting
bedrooms look would took good
small already calling
word relatives prefer tomorrow rather cellar price far
newspaper apartment possible important planning payments
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Key grammar explanations [4 grammar point(s)] 1
'May' - 'Might'
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Relative pronouns and adverbs
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Regular comparatives
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Order of adjectives
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Grammar Practice [2 exercises] 1
Put the following phrases in the right order. Example: sunny room big living building old nice manager
nice old building manager
newspaper helpful daily
helpful daily newspaper
dining small room
small dining room
interesting apartment two-bedroom
interesting two-bedroom apartment
brick big building
big brick building
ad small classified
small classified ad
Order of adjectives
big sunny living room
Placing the adjective
Put the following phrases in the right order. Example: sunny room big living
big sunny living room
monthly rent high payments
high monthly rent payments
bedrooms small three dark
three small dark bedrooms
backyard grassy large
large grassy backyard
main entrance imposing
imposing main entrance
financial important details
important financial details
bad traffic suburban
bad suburban traffic
Order of adjectives
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Sentence Practice [9 exercises] 1
Form a question based on the final part of the sentence. Example: I'm looking for an apartment. I wrote to the agency.
Who did you write to? Whom did you write to? To whom did you write?
I spoke to the landlord.
Who did you speak to? Whom did you speak to? To whom did you speak?
I went with my mother.
Who did you go with? Whom did you go with? With whom did you go?
Interrogative words
What are you looking for?
Final prepositions
Past interrogatives
Form a question based on the final part of the sentence. Example: I'm looking for an apartment.
What are you looking for?
The apartment is in that building.
Which building is it in? What building is it in? Which building is the apartment in? What building is the apartment in? In what building is it? In which building is it? In what building is the apartment? In which building is the apartment?
It's on Ninth Street.
What street is it on? Which street is it on? On which street is it? On what street is it?
I found it in Saint Louis Magazine.
What magazine did you find it in? Which magazine did you find it in? In what magazine did you find it? In which magazine did you find it?
Final prepositions
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Interrogative words
Past interrogatives
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Form a question based on the final part of the sentence. Example: I'm looking for an apartment.
What are you looking for?
I got my loan through my local bank.
What bank did you get your loan through? Which bank did you get your loan through? Through what bank did you get your loan? Through which bank did you get your loan?
My decision depends on the rent.
What does your decision depend on? On what does your decision depend? What does it depend on? On what does it depend?
I'm negotiating with the agent.
Who are you negotiating with? Whom are you negotiating with? With whom are you negotiating?
Interrogative words
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Final prepositions
Past interrogatives
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Reformulate as in the example. Example: I looked at a house. The house is big.
I looked at a house that is big.
I talked to an agent. The agent is tall.
I talked to an agent who is tall. I talked to an agent who's tall. I talked to an agent that's tall. The agent whom I talked to is tall. The agent who I talked to is tall. The agent that I talked to is tall. The agent I talked to is tall. The agent, whom I talked to, is tall. The agent, who I talked to, is tall. I talked to an agent that is tall.
I called the owner at his office. His office is on Clemente Street.
I called the owner at his office, which is on Clemente Street. I called the owner at his office which is on Clemente Street. The owner's office, where I called him, is on Clemente Street. The office where I called the owner is on Clemente Street. The office, where I called the owner, is on Clemente Street.
The house is on Wagner Avenue. The house interests me.
The house, which is on Wagner Avenue, interests me. The house which is on Wagner Avenue interests me. The house that is on Wagner Avenue interests me. The house that's on Wagner Avenue interests me. The house, which interests me, is on Wagner Avenue. The house that interests me is on Wagner Avenue. The house which interests me is on Wagner Avenue.
Relative pronouns and adverbs
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Reformulate as in the example. Example: I looked at a house. The house is big.
I looked at a house that is big.
The house is beautiful. The house's owners are on vacation.
The house whose owners are on vacation is beautiful.
The apartment was empty that day. I went there that day.
The day when I went there, the apartment was empty. The apartment was empty the day when I went there. The day when I went there the apartment was empty. The day I went there, the apartment was empty. The day I went there the apartment was empty. The apartment was empty the day I went there. I went there the day when the apartment was empty. I went there the day the apartment was empty.
The bathroom is big. The bathroom is in the back.
The bathroom, which is in the back, is big. The bathroom that is in the back is big. The bathroom which is in the back is big. The bathroom, which is big, is in the back. The bathroom that is big is in the back. The bathroom that's big is in the back. The bathroom which is big is in the back. The bathroom that's in the back is big.
Relative pronouns and adverbs
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Reformulate as in the example. Example: I looked at a house. The house is big.
I looked at a house that is big.
I asked the woman about the rent. The woman was wearing brown pants.
The woman whom I asked about the rent was wearing brown pants. The woman who I asked about the rent was wearing brown pants. The woman I asked about the rent was wearing brown pants. I asked the woman who was wearing brown pants about the rent. I asked the woman, who was wearing brown pants, about the rent.
I'll find a place. I'll like the place.
I'll find a place that I like. I'll like the place that I find. I'll find a place I like.
The bank gave me a loan. The bank is closed today.
The bank that gave me a loan is closed today. The bank that is closed today gave me a loan. The bank, which gave me a loan, is closed today. The bank which gave me a loan is closed today. The bank, which is closed today, gave me a loan. The bank which is closed today gave me a loan.
Relative pronouns and adverbs
Reformulate as in the example. Example: Maybe I'll take out a loan.
I might take out a loan.
Maybe the payments will be high.
The payments might be high. The payments may be high.
Maybe I'll spend my savings.
I might spend my savings. I may spend my savings.
Maybe I'll need to commute.
I might need to commute. I may need to commute.
'May' - 'Might'
Modal auxiliaries
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Reformulate as in the example. Example: Maybe I'll take out a loan. Maybe the rent will be high.
The rent might be high. The rent may be high.
Maybe the apartment will be too small.
The apartment might be too small. The apartment may be too small.
Maybe it's already been rented.
It might already have been rented. It might have already been rented. It might have been rented already. It may already have been rented. It may have already been rented. It may have been rented already.
'May' - 'Might'
I might take out a loan.
Modal auxiliaries
Reformulate as in the example. Example: Maybe I'll take out a loan.
I might take out a loan.
Maybe the landlord didn't have my number.
The landlord might not have had my number. The landlord may not have had my number.
Maybe the house was taken.
The house might have been taken. The house may have been taken.
Maybe I'll look elsewhere.
I might look elsewhere. I may look elsewhere.
'May' - 'Might'
Modal auxiliaries
Word Association [1 exercises] 1
Match the words from the dialogue with their antonyms on the right. friend details day entrance cellar
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enemy generalities night exit attic
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Dialogue: Expression [1 exercises] 1
You want to rent a place to live. How do you think you'll find what you need? Through an agency. Newspaper ads. By word of mouth.
2 2 3
What are you looking for exactly? A house. An apartment. I don't know exactly.
4 4 4
What do you mean by word of mouth? Building managers. Friends and relatives. Neighborhood associations.
2 2 2
How many rooms do you need? 6 5 5
Two. Three or four. Five, at least.
And how many bedrooms? 6 6 6
Only one. Two bedrooms. I need three of them.
You call an owner who seems to have something interesting available: "Mr. Smith speaking, may I help you?" 7 7 8
I'm looking for housing. Do you have any places to rent? I'm calling about the ad.
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I do have an apartment on George Washington Avenue. I'd prefer a house. Yes, it might interest me. I would like more details.
No, I don't have any. 9 9
What ad are you talking about? For an apartment on George Washington Avenue. The one in the New York magazine.
It is a nice, well-equipped, four-room apartment in a big building. I don't like big buildings. What is the rent? What floor is it on?
Too bad. Goodbye. $800 a month. Third floor.
10 10
Yes, of course.
Come and visit it.
It's a good deal, you know. Can I visit it? I'm not interested. How does it look?
9 9
Which day is convenient for you? Is today possible? Tomorrow would do. Wednesday.
Yes, of course.
Sentence Pronunciation [25 sentence(s)] Through an agency. Newspaper ads. By word of mouth. I don't know exactly. Building managers. Friends and relatives. Neighborhood associations. Five, at least. Only one. I need three of them. I'm looking for housing. Do you have any places to rent? I'm calling about the ad.
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I'd prefer a house. Yes, it might interest me. I would like more details. For an apartment on George Washington Avenue. I don't like big buildings. What is the rent? What floor is it on? Can I visit it? I'm not interested. How does it look? Is today possible? Tomorrow would do.
The Right Word with speech recognition [2 exercises] 1
By word of mouth means that you heard about it from other people. Hand in hand As a matter of fact It's a mouthful To beat around the bush The notion of means
An owner is the proprietor of a place or thing. anaconda businessman handler impropriety
Word Order with speech recognition [9 exercises] 1
What do you look What do you look for in
the bedroom is too the bedroom is too small
for in your ideal your ideal spouse?
small to fit
to fit a a double bed.
Construction of compound nouns
'Too' - 'Too much'
Friends and relatives were invited to my Friends and relatives were invited to my wedding
Philosophical Philosophical
give me all the details on the embassy bombing give me all the details on the embassy bombing!
the Leaning Tower of Pisa is a peculiar building the Leaning Tower of Pisa is a peculiar building in Italy.
conversations conversations
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are of great interest. are of great interest
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an archaeologist doesn't forget his chisel and an archaeologist doesn't forget his chisel and brush!
Dinner is Dinner is a
a convenient time convenient time to talk
to talk about about business
'It's time to' - 'It's time for'
Wednesday is the middle of the working Wednesday is the middle of the working week
Words and Functions [2 exercises] 1
Put the words from the text in the corresponding categories. We would like to purchase a home in a residential neighborhood. We need three bedrooms and two bathrooms. We want a spacious kitchen. We would also prefer to have a sunny backyard. Indefinite articles a a a a
Nouns neighborhood home
Descriptive adjectives spacious residential
Put the words from the text in the corresponding categories. If you are a student looking for inexpensive housing, you don't usually have very many options. You either have to search the classified ads, or you have to know somebody who needs a roommate. Students often share apartments, which is sometimes fun, but can also turn out to be a nightmare. Either you get along with your roommate, or you would rather live alone. Conjunctions If either or
Adverbs of frequency often sometimes usually
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Fill-in-the-Blanks [3 exercises] 1
What do you mean by word of mouth? How many rooms do you need ? Mr. Smith speaking, may I help you? Would you like to see the backyard? You could always go to the city suburbs. Verbs without a continuous form
How do you think you'll find what you need? Which day is convenient for you? When are you planning to move in? Where is the entrance? 'Which' - 'What'
Interrogative words
You want to rent a place to live . How do you think you'll find what you need ? I will look in the newspapers. I will ask my neighbors. Irregular verbs
Text Transformation [1 exercises] 1
Rewrite the following text using the comparative. This second floor apartment is a good deal; that one is not a very good deal. This one is large; that one is small. This equipped kitchen is new; that one is old. This apartment is far; that apartment is near. This second floor apartment is a better deal than that one. This one is larger than that one. This equipped kitchen is newer than that one. This apartment is further than that apartment. Irregular comparatives
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Regular comparatives
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Dialogue: Comprehension [1 exercises] 1
You want to rent a place to live. How do you think you'll find what you need? Through an agency. Newspaper ads. By word of mouth. Where is the entrance? I would like more details. Quite big, yes. I need three of them. I'm not interested.
4 4 4
Yes, of course.
What do you mean by word of mouth? Friends and relatives. Neighborhood associations. Building managers. It would mean a lot of commuting. That's a good idea. The bedrooms again. No, I hadn't. I still can stay here for a while.
Through the kitchen.
What are you looking for exactly? A house. An apartment. I don't know exactly. Are you sure? Maybe later. The kitchen. I'm calling about the ad. Is today possible?
2 2 3
2 2
Here they are.
How many rooms do you need? Two. Three or four. Five, at least. Can I visit it? No more than eight hundred. I haven't seen everything yet. Yes, please. I would like more details.
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6 5 5 Yes, of course. You won't get much for that.
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And how many bedrooms? Only one. Two bedrooms. I need three of them. I don't want to be too far from downtown. As soon as possible. For an apartment on George Washington Avenue. I already took a peek. Through an agency.
7 7 8 Think it over and good luck. There isn't any. Think it over and good luck.
I do have an apartment on George Washington Avenue. I'd prefer a house. Yes, it might interest me. I would like more details. Yes, probably. There aren't many cabinets! I don't like the idea. Maybe later. Where is the washing machine?
10 miles isn't too far.
You call an owner who seems to have something interesting available: "Mr. Smith speaking, may I help you?" I'm looking for housing. Do you have any places to rent? I'm calling about the ad. You're right. I'm not interested. Where is the washing machine? I don't like driving. Yes, it looks great.
6 6 6
No, I don't have any. 9 9 You can add some.
There isn't any.
What ad are you talking about? 9 9
For an apartment on George Washington Avenue. The one in the New York magazine. I'm not interested. Neighborhood associations. Five, at least. Yes, please. Next month.
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It is a nice, well-equipped, four-room apartment in a big building. I don't like big buildings. What is the rent? What floor is it on? One month at most. Three or four. I'm looking for housing. How much for a house? A few weeks.
Twice as much as the rent.
It's a good deal, you know. Can I visit it? I'm not interested. How does it look? There aren't many cabinets! As soon as possible. Newspaper ads. Quite big, yes. With a wine cellar?
Too bad. Goodbye. $800 a month. Third floor.
Yes, of course.
Come and visit it. You can add some.
No, unfortunately.
Which day is convenient for you? Is today possible? Tomorrow would do. Wednesday. What about traffic? Newspaper ads. Where is the entrance? One month at most. Friends and relatives.
Yes, of course.
Think it over and good luck. Through the kitchen.
Mystery Phrase [5 exercises] 1
An arrangement for mutual advantage. deal
Daily or weekly publication. newspaper
Through information from people. by word of mouth
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Family members. relatives
Having necessities or facilities. equipped
Key grammar explanations [2 grammar point(s)] 1
Irregular verbs
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Anaphoric 'to'
Keywords [15 word(s)] additional arrangement to be back charge to confirm (v.) event to fax (v.) to organize (v.) presentation to register (v.) registration to represent seminar stand trade fair
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Dialogue: Explore [1 exercises] 1
Hello, Karl Sinclair speaking. Hello, are you organizing the trade fair in Dallas? Good morning, are you responsible for the trade fair in Dallas? Are you in charge of the arrangements for the trade fair in Dallas?
Yes, I am.
Of course. Of course. Of course.
3 3 3
O.K. O.K. O.K.
4 4 4
Which company do you represent? Powervex in Great Britain. Catona Computers in Germany. I represent Quickyear in China.
2 2
How can I help you, ma'am? I would like to reserve 4 stands for the event. Can I register for 5 stands for the fair? Yes, I'd like to reserve a stand, please.
Yes, I am. Yes, I am.
How many people will be in your group? 5 5 5
Altogether there will be 15 of us. I think there'll be 12 of us. There are currently 10 in our group.
There is an additional charge for groups over 10. O.K., there will just be 10 of us, then! There will be only 10 of us, then! No additional charge for groups of 10, then?
6 6 6
No, just over 10.
The fair starts at 9:30 on the 26th of April. 7 7 7
We will arrive at a quarter after nine. O.K., we'll arrive at 9:15. Fine, we'll be there at a quarter to nine.
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It will finish at 6 o'clock. 8 8 8
I'll be back at the hotel by 6:15, then. Great, I'll be back at the hotel by quarter to seven. Fine, we'll leave at a quarter after six, then.
Were you at the trade fair last year? Yes, there were lots of companies there. There was an excellent seminar last year. No, there wasn't time last year.
Do you have any questions, ma'am? Yes, will there be a design seminar this year? Who will make a presentation this year? How many stands are there this year?
9 9 9
Yes, in the afternoon. Simon Taylor will make a financial presentation. About 100.
Could you fax me to confirm your registration? Yes, I'll fax to confirm. I will fax to confirm the registration. Sure, I will fax to confirm this afternoon.
Sentence Pronunciation [22 sentence(s)] Hello, are you organizing the trade fair in Dallas? Good morning, are you responsible for the trade fair in Dallas? Are you in charge of the arrangements for the trade fair in Dallas? I would like to reserve 4 stands for the event. Can I register for 5 stands for the fair? Yes, I'd like to reserve a stand, please. I represent Quickyear in China. Altogether there will be 15 of us. There are currently 10 in our group. No additional charge for groups of 10, then? We will arrive at a quarter after nine. I'll be back at the hotel by 6:15, then. Great, I'll be back at the hotel by quarter to seven. Fine, we'll leave at a quarter after six, then. Yes, there were lots of companies there. There was an excellent seminar last year. No, there wasn't time last year. Yes, will there be a design seminar this year? Who will make a presentation this year? How many stands are there this year?
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10 10 10
I will fax to confirm the registration. Sure, I will fax to confirm this afternoon.
Key grammar explanations [2 grammar point(s)] 1
'There is' - 'There are'
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Grammar Practice [6 exercises] 1
Write in full as in the example. Example: 6:15
a quarter after six
a quarter to seven quarter to seven
a quarter to six quarter to six
a quarter after ten quarter after ten a quarter past ten quarter past ten
a quarter to four quarter to four
a quarter after four quarter after four a quarter past four quarter past four
a quarter after nine quarter after nine a quarter past nine quarter past nine
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Write in full as in the example. Example: 6:15
a quarter after six
six thirty half past six
eleven o'clock
a quarter to nine quarter to nine
a quarter after three quarter after three a quarter past three quarter past three
five thirty half past five
a quarter to ten quarter to ten
Reformulate as in the example. Example: a quarter after six
a quarter to nine
8:45 20:45
a quarter after twelve
12:15 0:15
a quarter after three
3:15 15:15
a quarter to seven
6:45 18:45
a quarter after seven
7:15 19:15
a quarter to five
4:45 16:45
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Reformulate as in the example. Example: a quarter after six
half past twelve
12:30 0:30
a quarter to three
2:45 14:45
seven o'clock
7:00 19:00
a quarter after two
2:15 14:15
a quarter to two
1:45 13:45
one thirty
1:30 13:30
Reformulate as in the example. Example: there (is / are) a stand
there is a stand
there (is / are) arrangements
there are arrangements
there (is / are) an additional charge
there is an additional charge there's an additional charge
there (is / are) a trade fair
there is a trade fair there's a trade fair
there (is / are) 15 of us
there are 15 of us there are fifteen of us
there (is / are) a registration
there is a registration there's a registration
there (is / are) companies
there are companies
'There is' - 'There are'
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Reformulate as in the example. Example: there (was / were) companies
there were companies
there (was / were) a hotel
there was a hotel
there (was / were) seminars
there were seminars
there (was / were) presentations
there were presentations
there (was / were) a stand
there was a stand
there (was / were) questions
there were questions
there (was / were) 15 stands
there were 15 stands there were fifteen stands
'There is' - 'There are'
'To be' and 'to have': preterite
Sentence Practice [7 exercises] 1
Conjugate as in the example. Example: There are 15 of us.
There will be 15 of us.
There are 6 in our group.
There will be 6 in our group. There'll be 6 in our group. There will be six in our group. There'll be six in our group.
There is an additional charge for groups over 10.
There will be an additional charge for groups over 10. There'll be an additional charge for groups over 10. There will be an additional charge for groups over ten. There'll be an additional charge for groups over ten.
There are many stands this year.
There will be many stands this year. There'll be many stands this year.
'There is' - 'There are'
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The future
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Conjugate as in the example. Example: There will be 15 of us.
There are 15 of us.
There will be many stands this year.
There are many stands this year.
There will be only 10 of us then!
There are only 10 of us then! There are only ten of us then!
There will not be enough time.
There is not enough time. There isn't enough time. There's not enough time.
'There is' - 'There are'
Conjugate as in the example. Example: There are 15 of us.
There were 15 of us.
There are lots of companies at the fair.
There were lots of companies at the fair.
There isn't time to go.
There wasn't time to go. There was not time to go.
There is an additional charge for groups over 12.
There was an additional charge for groups over 12. There was an additional charge for groups over twelve.
'There is' - 'There are'
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'To be' and 'to have': preterite
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Conjugate as in the example. Example: There were 15 of us. There were 15 in our group.
There are 15 in our group. There are fifteen in our group.
There was 1 reservation for Powervex.
There is 1 reservation for Powervex. There is one reservation for Powervex. There is a reservation for Powervex. There's 1 reservation for Powervex. There's one reservation for Powervex. There's a reservation for Powervex.
There were lots of companies.
There are lots of companies.
'There is' - 'There are'
There are 15 of us.
The verb 'to be'
Reformulate as in the example. Example: There are 6 in our team.
Are there 6 in our team?
There are many stands this year.
Are there many stands this year?
There is a financial presentation in the afternoon.
Is there a financial presentation in the afternoon?
There are lots of companies here.
Are there lots of companies here?
'There is' - 'There are'
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Reformulate as in the example. Example: There will be a design seminar this year. There will only be 10 of us.
Will there only be 10 of us? Will there only be ten of us? Will there be only 10 of us? Will there be only ten of us?
There will be an additional charge for groups over 10.
Will there be an additional charge for groups over 10? Will there be an additional charge for groups over ten?
There will be a trade fair in Dallas.
Will there be a trade fair in Dallas?
The future
Will there be a design seminar this year?
'There is' - 'There are'
Reformulate as in the example. Example: There were lots of companies there.
Were there lots of companies there?
There was an excellent seminar last year.
Was there an excellent seminar last year?
There were 12 of us last year.
Were there 12 of us last year? Were there twelve of us last year?
There were about 100 stands at the trade fair.
Were there about 100 stands at the trade fair? Were there about one hundred stands at the trade fair? Were there about a hundred stands at the trade fair?
'To be' and 'to have': preterite
'There is' - 'There are'
Dialogue: Expression [1 exercises] 1
Hello, Karl Sinclair speaking. Hello, are you organizing the trade fair in Dallas? Good morning, are you responsible for the trade fair in Dallas? Are you in charge of the arrangements for the trade fair in Dallas?
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Yes, I am. Yes, I am.
2 2
Yes, I am.
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How can I help you, ma'am? I would like to reserve 4 stands for the event. Can I register for 5 stands for the fair? Yes, I'd like to reserve a stand, please.
3 3 3
O.K. O.K. O.K.
4 4 4
Which company do you represent? Powervex in Great Britain. Catona Computers in Germany. I represent Quickyear in China.
Of course. Of course. Of course.
How many people will be in your group? Altogether there will be 15 of us. I think there'll be 12 of us. There are currently 10 in our group.
There is an additional charge for groups over 10. O.K., there will just be 10 of us, then! There will be only 10 of us, then! No additional charge for groups of 10, then?
5 5 5
6 6 6
No, just over 10.
The fair starts at 9:30 on the 26th of April. 7 7 7
We will arrive at a quarter after nine. O.K., we'll arrive at 9:15. Fine, we'll be there at a quarter to nine.
It will finish at 6 o'clock. 8 8 8
I'll be back at the hotel by 6:15, then. Great, I'll be back at the hotel by quarter to seven. Fine, we'll leave at a quarter after six, then.
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Were you at the trade fair last year? 9 9 9
Yes, there were lots of companies there. There was an excellent seminar last year. No, there wasn't time last year.
Do you have any questions, ma'am? Yes, will there be a design seminar this year? Who will make a presentation this year? How many stands are there this year?
Yes, in the afternoon. Simon Taylor will make a financial presentation. About 100.
Could you fax me to confirm your registration? Yes, I'll fax to confirm. I will fax to confirm the registration. Sure, I will fax to confirm this afternoon.
Word Association [2 exercises] 1
Match the words from the dialogue with their synonyms on the right. 9:15 8:45 9:45
a quarter after nine a quarter to nine a quarter to ten
Match the words from the dialogue with their synonyms on the right. to start to organize to finish
to begin to arrange to end
The Right Word with speech recognition [6 exercises] 1
Hello, are you organizing the trade fair? stand party reserve
Are you in charge of the trade fair arrangements? organize confirm responsibilities
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10 10 10
I'd like to reserve 4 stands please. groups arrangements fairs
I would like to reserve a stand please. leave fax speak
There is an additional charge for groups over 10. projects company seminar
Could you fax me to confirm your registration? leave represent speak
Mystery Phrase [2 exercises] 1
365 days in a... year
Fair made up of stands and companies. trade fair
Advanced Unit 6b (18 activity (ies) 02:13:20) Keywords [17 word(s)] accommodation building cheesecake diner driver's license friendly to get lost hostel monument museum neighborhood rest room sightseeing skyscraper snack speed limit trip
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Picture/Word Association with speech recognition [7 exercises] 1 a skyscraper a rooftop a mansion a house a townhouse a museum
2 the Financial District Chinatown Greenwich Village South Beach Melrose Place Central Park
3 the Empire State Building Wall Street the Statue of Liberty Central Park JFK International Airport the Brooklyn Bridge
4 the Space Center Niagara Falls the Grand Canyon the Lincoln Memorial the White House Hollywood
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5 alcohol medicine skim milk a hot chocolate a coke red wine
6 a cocktail wine an ice cream a coffee a beer a milkshake
7 mineral water a milkshake an orange juice wine champagne tea
Dialogue: Explore [1 exercises] 1
At last you've gotten over the first hurdle, the hardest one. New York is out there waiting for you! Your taxi takes you on a quick trip around the city. What is your first impression? It's larger than life! I love skyscrapers. The Statue of Liberty is fantastic! It's a bit dirty.
2 2 2 2
Does anything shock you? 4 3 4
Nothing, everything is beautiful. The poverty. The crowds of people.
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Do you know why there's so much poverty? 4 4 4 4
There aren't enough jobs. Not everyone is treated equally. I don't know. People are underpaid.
What are you going to visit first? 5 7 7 6
The Financial District. The Empire State Building. The Statue of Liberty. Chinatown.
The Financial District interests you? Yes, of course. I work in finance. I'm studying management.
7 7 7
What attracts you in this area? 7 7 7
The Chinese atmosphere. I've heard so much about it. The contrast with the image of New York.
How are you going to continue your trip? 8 9 10
I'm going to rent a car. I'm going to travel by Greyhound bus. I have a special air pass.
Do you know the speed limit? No, but I'll find out. 55 miles an hour. Who cares!
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11 11 11
Very good. Watch out for the police!
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Why did you choose the bus? 12 12 12
To enjoy the scenery. I don't have to worry about driving. It's not as tiring as driving.
How many flights will you take? 13 exactly. I don't know yet. About 10.
12 12 12
Are you going to drive for a long time? About 3 hours a day. Depends on the area. I don't know yet.
12 12 12
After two hours' travel you arrive in Washington. You go to a restaurant for a well-deserved dinner. You sit down and the waiter asks you what you would like to drink. 13 14 14
A cocktail. An orange juice. Mineral water.
What sort of alcohol? 14 14 14
Whiskey on the rocks. Wine. Beer.
What would you like to eat? Today's special. What is the Chef's choice? Do you have pizza?
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A T-bone steak. They serve it at the café across the street.
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15 15 15
At the end of the meal, you order a dessert. 16 16 16
Apple pie. Cheesecake. Ice cream.
You've just finished your dessert. What do you do next? I go to the restroom. I ask for the bill. I go back to my hotel.
It's the last door on the left. $30, please. Without paying?
After several stopovers you arrive in Florida. What attracts you most about this region? The sea and the sun. The heat. The tropical scenery.
18 18 19
Are you going to swim? Yes, I love swimming. Swim and lie in the sun. No, not too much.
20 20 20
Why don't you go to California then? 20 20 20
I can't go everywhere. That's my next stop. It's too far.
17 17 17
Are you going to visit the Space Center? Oh, I don't know. Yes, probably. No, I'm not.
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You should, it's worth the visit.
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21 21 21
Your trip is almost over. You are going to return home. Have you confirmed your reservation? Yes, everything is in order. I didn't know I had to confirm. I'll do it tomorrow.
Bon voyage! Yes, you really should. Have a safe trip back!
Sentence Pronunciation [40 sentence(s)] It's larger than life! I love skyscrapers. The Statue of Liberty is fantastic! It's a bit dirty. Nothing, everything is beautiful. The poverty. The crowds of people. There aren't enough jobs. Not everyone is treated equally. People are underpaid. The Financial District. The Empire State Building. Chinatown. I work in finance. I'm studying management. The Chinese atmosphere. I've heard so much about it. The contrast with the image of New York. I'm going to travel by Greyhound bus. I have a special air pass. No, but I'll find out. 55 miles an hour. Who cares! To enjoy the scenery. I don't have to worry about driving. It's not as tiring as driving. Depends on the area. A cocktail. Mineral water. Whiskey on the rocks. Today's special. What is the Chef's choice? Cheesecake. I go to the restroom. The tropical scenery. Yes, I love swimming. Swim and lie in the sun. Yes, everything is in order. I didn't know I had to confirm. I'll do it tomorrow.
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Key grammar explanations [3 grammar point(s)] 1
Construction of the present perfect
Use of the present perfect
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'Would like': expressing wishes
Grammar Practice [6 exercises] 1
Conjugate as in the example. Example: I (be)
I have been
you (plan)
you have planned
I (understand)
I have understood
they (say)
they have said
it (be)
it has been
she (ask)
she has asked
we (enter)
we have entered
Construction of the present perfect
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Conjugate as in the example. Example: I (be) the plane (land)
the plane has landed
the Immigration officer (repeat)
the Immigration officer has repeated
your family (wait)
your family has waited
those tourists (visit)
those tourists have visited
the Statue of Liberty (hold)
the Statue of Liberty has held
Florida (attract)
Florida has attracted
Construction of the present perfect
I have been
Give the preterite of the following verbs. Example: to go
to have
to sting
to read
to begin
to put
to strike
Irregular verbs
Give the preterite of the following verbs. Example: to go
to wear
to rise
to hit
to wake
to fly
to do
Irregular verbs
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Give the past participle of the following verbs. Example: to go
to be
to do
to begin
to make
to fly
to know
Irregular verbs
Use of the past participle as an adjective
Give the past participle of the following verbs. Example: to go
to draw
to freeze
to grow
to hear
to pay
to leave
Irregular verbs
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Sentence Practice [9 exercises] 1
Answer the question as in the example. Example: Would you like a reservation?
Yes, I'd like a reservation.
Would you like to see my passport?
Yes, I'd like to see your passport. Yes, I would like to see your passport. Yes, I'd like to see it. Yes, I would like to see it. Yes, I would. Yes, I would like to. Yes, I'd like to.
Would you like to go to Philadelphia?
Yes, I'd like to go to Philadelphia. Yes, I would like to go to Philadelphia. Yes, I'd like to go there. Yes, I would like to go there. Yes, I would. Yes, I would like to. Yes, I'd like to. Yes, we'd like to go to Philadelphia. Yes, we would like to go to Philadelphia. Yes, we'd like to go there. Yes, we would like to go there. Yes, we would. Yes, we would like to. Yes, we'd like to.
Would you like to see the sights?
Yes, I'd like to see the sights. Yes, I would like to see the sights. Yes, I'd like to see them. Yes, I would like to see them. Yes, I would. Yes, I would like to. Yes, I'd like to. Yes, we'd like to see the sights. Yes, we would like to see the sights. Yes, we'd like to see them. Yes, we would like to see them. Yes, we would. Yes, we would like to. Yes, we'd like to.
'Would like': expressing wishes
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Answer the question as in the example. Example: Would you like a reservation?
Yes, I'd like a reservation.
Would she like to see the Statue of Liberty?
Yes, she'd like to see the Statue of Liberty. Yes, she would like to see the Statue of Liberty. Yes, she'd like to see it. Yes, she would like to see it. Yes, she would. Yes, she would like to. Yes, she'd like to.
Would he like to take the subway?
Yes, he'd like to take the subway. Yes, he would like to take the subway. Yes, he'd like to take it. Yes, he would like to take it. Yes, he would. Yes, he would like to. Yes, he'd like to.
Would they like to visit Wall Street?
Yes, they'd like to visit Wall Street. Yes, they would like to visit Wall Street. Yes, they would. Yes, they would like to. Yes, they'd like to.
'Would like': expressing wishes
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Answer the question as in the example. Example: Would you like a reservation?
Yes, I'd like a reservation.
Would they like to rent a car?
Yes, they'd like to rent a car. Yes, they would like to rent a car. Yes, they'd like to rent one. Yes, they would like to rent one. Yes, they would.
Would you like a table?
Yes, I'd like a table. Yes, I would like a table. Yes, I'd like one. Yes, I would like one. Yes, I would. Yes, we'd like a table. Yes, we would like a table. Yes, we'd like one. Yes, we would like one. Yes, we would.
Would you like dessert?
Yes, I'd like dessert. Yes, I would like dessert. Yes, I would. Yes, we'd like dessert. Yes, we would like dessert. Yes, we would.
'Would like': expressing wishes
Reformulate as in the example. Example: Can I see your ticket? (the flight attendant)
The flight attendant asks if he can see your ticket.
Would you repeat that? (the flight attendant)
The flight attendant asks if you would repeat that.
Do you have a passport? (the passport officer)
The passport officer asks if you have a passport.
Where is your visa? (he)
He asks where your visa is.
Direct and indirect questions
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Reformulate as in the example. Example: Can I see your ticket? (the flight attendant)
The flight attendant asks if he can see your ticket.
Are you going uptown? (the taxi driver)
The taxi driver asks if you are going uptown. The taxi driver asks if you're going uptown.
Are you here on business? (the desk clerk)
The desk clerk asks if you are here on business. The desk clerk asks if you're here on business.
Did you buy anything duty-free? (your friend)
Your friend asks if you bought anything duty-free.
Direct and indirect questions
Reformulate as in the example. Example: Can I see your ticket? (the flight attendant)
The flight attendant asks if he can see your ticket.
Did you have a good flight? (she)
She asks if you had a good flight.
How many bags do you have? (her boyfriend)
Her boyfriend asks how many bags you have.
What do you want to see first? (he)
He asks what you want to see first.
Direct and indirect questions
Answer the question as in the example. Example: We went to Boston last year. (this year)
Have you gone to Boston this year?
We went to Washington last year. (this year)
Have you gone to Washington this year? Have you gone there this year? Have you been to Washington this year? Have you been there this year?
I went on vacation last summer. (this summer)
Have you gone on vacation this summer? Have you been on vacation this summer?
I ate lunch in Chinatown last week. (this week)
Have you eaten lunch in Chinatown this week? Have you eaten lunch there this week?
Past interrogatives Use of the present perfect Auxiliaries Use of the past participle as an adjective Demonstratives
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Answer the question as in the example. Example: We went to Boston last year. (this year) They flew to Miami last fall. (this spring)
Have they flown to Miami this spring? Have they flown there this spring?
He visited Kennedy Space Center the last time he was here. (this time)
Has he visited Kennedy Space Center this time? Has he visited it this time?
They enjoyed themselves on their last trip. (this trip)
Have they enjoyed themselves on this trip?
Past interrogatives
Have you gone to Boston this year?
Use of the present perfect
Answer the question as in the example. Example: We went to Boston last year. (this year)
Have you gone to Boston this year?
I made a reservation last time. (this time)
Have you made a reservation this time? Have you made one this time?
I had fun last week. (this week)
Have you had fun this week?
I sent postcards on my last vacation. (this vacation)
Have you sent postcards on this vacation? Have you sent any on this vacation?
Past interrogatives
Use of the present perfect
Phonetics Exercise [10 phoneme(s)]
excuse pleasure everything special restroom everywhere
here have hostel hotel heard
visiting everyone travel driving love
family fantastic management atmosphere exactly apple ask
writing Washington nothing Building studying going tiring
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college larger image enjoy juice
moment month confirm Empire miles mineral cream swimming
tourist Statue treated Chinatown rent contrast stop
research equally beer sea scenery probably weeks
District Liberty tropical whiskey swim
Dialogue: Expression [1 exercises] 1
At last you've gotten over the first hurdle, the hardest one. New York is out there waiting for you! Your taxi takes you on a quick trip around the city. What is your first impression? 2 2 2 2
It's larger than life! I love skyscrapers. The Statue of Liberty is fantastic! It's a bit dirty.
Does anything shock you? Nothing, everything is beautiful. The poverty. The crowds of people.
4 3 4
Do you know why there's so much poverty? There aren't enough jobs. Not everyone is treated equally. I don't know. People are underpaid.
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4 4 4 4
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What are you going to visit first? 5 7 7 6
The Financial District. The Empire State Building. The Statue of Liberty. Chinatown.
The Financial District interests you? 7 7 7
Yes, of course. I work in finance. I'm studying management.
What attracts you in this area? 7 7 7
The Chinese atmosphere. I've heard so much about it. The contrast with the image of New York.
How are you going to continue your trip? I'm going to rent a car. I'm going to travel by Greyhound bus. I have a special air pass.
Do you know the speed limit? No, but I'll find out. 55 miles an hour. Who cares!
8 9 10
11 11 11
Very good. Watch out for the police!
Why did you choose the bus? 12 12 12
To enjoy the scenery. I don't have to worry about driving. It's not as tiring as driving.
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How many flights will you take? 12 12 12
13 exactly. I don't know yet. About 10.
Are you going to drive for a long time? About 3 hours a day. Depends on the area. I don't know yet.
12 12 12
After two hours' travel you arrive in Washington. You go to a restaurant for a well-deserved dinner. You sit down and the waiter asks you what you would like to drink. 13 14 14
A cocktail. An orange juice. Mineral water.
What sort of alcohol? 14 14 14
Whiskey on the rocks. Wine. Beer.
What would you like to eat? Today's special. What is the Chef's choice? Do you have pizza?
A T-bone steak. They serve it at the café across the street.
15 15 15
At the end of the meal, you order a dessert. 16 16 16
Apple pie. Cheesecake. Ice cream.
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You've just finished your dessert. What do you do next? It's the last door on the left. $30, please. Without paying?
I go to the restroom. I ask for the bill. I go back to my hotel.
After several stopovers you arrive in Florida. What attracts you most about this region? The sea and the sun. The heat. The tropical scenery.
18 18 19
Are you going to swim? Yes, I love swimming. Swim and lie in the sun. No, not too much.
20 20 20
Why don't you go to California then? I can't go everywhere. That's my next stop. It's too far.
20 20 20
Are you going to visit the Space Center? You should, it's worth the visit.
Oh, I don't know. Yes, probably. No, I'm not.
Your trip is almost over. You are going to return home. Have you confirmed your reservation? Bon voyage! Yes, you really should. Have a safe trip back!
Yes, everything is in order. I didn't know I had to confirm. I'll do it tomorrow.
Word Order with speech recognition [11 exercises] 1
17 17 17
there are many hurdles to overcome to be there are many hurdles to overcome to be a doctor.
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21 21 21
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French
What would you consider What would you consider to be
to be the most
the most beautiful beautiful place?
Regular superlatives
people afraid people afraid of
of heights heights avoid
avoid going into skyscrapers going into skyscrapers
The impersonal structure
our friends invited our friends invited us
us to their place for to their place for cocktails.
Use of the preterite
Mom prepared a wonderful dinner tonight. Mom prepared a wonderful dinner tonight. Construction of the preterite
All the wedding preparations All the wedding preparations are in
Not only Not only is
are in order for
order for Saturday Saturday morning.
is swimming fun, but it is the best swimming fun, but it is the best exercise
Irregular superlatives
the space shuttle takes off from Kennedy Space the space shuttle takes off from Kennedy Space Center.
The main postpositions
I would I would like
like to to take
take a a trip to an
trip to an exotic island
'Would like': expressing wishes Use of the present conditional
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Construction of the present conditional
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There seem to be more and more cars There seem to be more and more cars everywhere
everywhere in in the world.
Word Association [1 exercises] 1
Match the words from the dialogue with their synonyms on the right. trip district limit finance hurdle image
journey neighborhood restriction economics obstacle picture
The Right Word with speech recognition [4 exercises] 1
Cheesecake is a type of dessert. Barbecue ribs Fried rice Stuffed tomatoes Corn on the cob Zucchini Construction of compound nouns Use of compound nouns
Poverty is caused by unemployment. Bad skin Rotten teeth Exploitation Luxury Destiny
Finance has to do with money. Dentistry Idealism Religion Harmony Juggling
The police keep law and order in a city. circus bartenders zookeepers vagabonds secret service
Key grammar explanations [2 grammar point(s)] 1
Use of the present conditional
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The use and omission of 'the'
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Fill-in-the-Blanks [5 exercises] 1
After two hours traveling, you arrive in Washington. You go to a restaurant for a well deserved dinner. You sit down and the waiter asks you what you would like to drink. The main postpositions 'Which' - 'What'
The main postpositions
What are you going to visit first ? How many flights will you take? Does anything shock you? There aren't enough jobs. What sort of job? 'How much' - 'How many'
Relative pronouns and adverbs
At last you've gotten over the first hurdle, the hardest one. New York is out there waiting for you. Your taxi takes you on a quick trip around the city. What is your first impression? 'At last' - 'At least'
Direct and indirect questions
Placement of 'enough'
After several stopovers, you arrive in Florida. It's the last door on the left. At the end of the meal, you order a dessert. Are you here for business or pleasure? Watch out for the police! Prepositions of place
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The main postpositions
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I have a special air pass. It's not as tiring as driving. Have a safe trip back! Are you going to drive for a long time? Where will you be living? In a student hostel.
Words and Functions [2 exercises] 1
Put the words from the text in the corresponding categories. Washington, D.C. deserves at least a short stop if you plan to visit the east coast of the United States. One of the first things that will surprise you is that the taxis have no meters! The driver sets the price for a trip downtown, so unsuspecting visitors had better beware! Often, you will see a long line of tourists in front of the White House, so it is best to get there early. You will find the FBI Museum and the Museum of Natural History interesting to see as well. Present indicative deserves plan is Infinitive to get to visit
to see
Indicative future simple will see will find will surprise
Put the words from the text in the corresponding categories. In August, my family and I traveled across the United States, stopping briefly at many famous sights. We started in New York City. On August 9th we drove to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. We continued all the way down to New Orleans, stopping in Atlanta on the way. We got a speeding ticket on our way from Atlanta to New Orleans. So we drove cautiously to Dallas, and then to Santa Fe and on to the Grand Canyon. We visited Las Vegas and Yosemite National Park. We reached San Francisco on August 31st, and drove triumphantly over the Golden Gate Bridge. Prepositions of time In On on Adverbs of manner cautiously briefly
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Text Transformation [1 exercises] 1
Rewrite the text using the appropriate tense and mood. We have only been in America for two days, but I already (to know) that there (to be) a lot to do here. Yesterday I (to drive) around New York and (to meet) my friend Rachel. Later that day we (to go) to Chinatown, and then we (to catch) the plane. Tonight we (to eat) together in an American diner. We have only been in America for two days, but I already know that there's a lot to do here. Yesterday I drove around New York and met my friend Rachel. Later that day we went to Chinatown, and then we caught the plane. Tonight we ate together in an American diner. Irregular verbs
Dialogue: Comprehension [1 exercises] 1
At last you've gotten over the first hurdle, the hardest one. New York is out there waiting for you! Your taxi takes you on a quick trip around the city. What is your first impression? It's larger than life! I love skyscrapers. The Statue of Liberty is fantastic! It's a bit dirty. No, not too much. I can't go everywhere. What is the Chef's choice? One moment. To enjoy the scenery.
2 2
A T-bone steak. Hurry up, there's a long line.
Does anything shock you? Nothing, everything is beautiful. The poverty. The crowds of people. To enjoy the scenery. Apple pie. I didn't know I had to confirm. About 3 hours a day. I'll do it tomorrow.
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4 3
Yes, you really should. Have a safe trip back!
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Do you know why there's so much poverty? 4 4
There aren't enough jobs. Not everyone is treated equally. I don't know. People are underpaid. Cheesecake. About 3 hours a day. Two. Yes, probably. Swim and lie in the sun.
What are you going to visit first? The Financial District. The Empire State Building. The Statue of Liberty. Chinatown. I don't have to worry about driving. Pleasure, I'm a tourist. Wine. I ask for the bill. Here it is.
$30, please. Thank you.
The Financial District interests you? Yes, of course. I work in finance. I'm studying management. With an American family. Studying. 55 miles an hour. An orange juice. New York.
5 7
7 7
Very good.
What attracts you in this area? The Chinese atmosphere. I've heard so much about it. The contrast with the image of New York. Washington. But what can I do? People are underpaid. I have $200 on me. Mineral water.
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7 7
I need to see your passport or we can't admit you. Okay, that's fine.
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How are you going to continue your trip? I'm going to rent a car. I'm going to travel by Greyhound bus. I have a special air pass. It's larger than life! Yes, probably. Studying. A couple of weeks. Here it is.
Thank you.
Do you know the speed limit? No, but I'll find out. 55 miles an hour. Who cares! I didn't know I had to confirm. It's larger than life! One moment. The crowds of people. Six.
8 9
11 11
Very good. Watch out for the police! Yes, you really should. Hurry up, there's a long line. Either you pay duty on the extra ones, or I'll have to confiscate them.
Why did you choose the bus? To enjoy the scenery. I don't have to worry about driving. It's not as tiring as driving. Six. Here's my ID. What is the Chef's choice? I'm doing research. The contrast with the image of New York.
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12 12 Either you pay duty on the extra ones, or I'll have to confiscate them. A T-bone steak. All right.
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How many flights will you take? 13 exactly. I don't know yet. About 10. I'm doing research. Philadelphia. Yes, everything is in order. The Financial District. That's my next stop.
Bon voyage!
12 12
Yes, you really should.
After two hours' travel you arrive in Washington. You go to a restaurant for a well-deserved dinner. You sit down and the waiter asks you what you would like to drink. A cocktail. An orange juice. Mineral water. Swim and lie in the sun. The poverty. About 40 days. I'm writing a thesis. Apple pie.
All right.
Are you going to drive for a long time? About 3 hours a day. Depends on the area. I don't know yet. Pleasure, I'm visiting friends. I'm studying management. The Statue of Liberty. Cheesecake. I didn't know I had to confirm.
12 12
13 14
You should have said so.
What sort of alcohol? Whiskey on the rocks. Wine. Beer. I didn't know I had to confirm. With my friends. I'm writing a thesis. Washington. I ask for the bill.
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14 14 Yes, you really should. You should have said so. $30, please.
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What would you like to eat? Today's special. What is the Chef's choice? Do you have pizza? A month. Here it is. I love skyscrapers. It's too far. I'm traveling around.
A T-bone steak. They serve it at the café across the street. Thank you.
At the end of the meal, you order a dessert. Apple pie. Cheesecake. Ice cream. Swim and lie in the sun. Sorry, here's my passport. In a student hostel. No, I'm not. Not everyone is treated equally.
16 16
You've just finished your dessert. What do you do next? I go to the restroom. I ask for the bill. I go back to my hotel. About 40 days. Sorry? Yes, everything is in order. One moment, please. Washington.
15 15
It's the last door on the left. $30, please. Without paying?
17 17
Bon voyage! Hurry up, there's a long line.
After several stopovers you arrive in Florida. What attracts you most about this region? The sea and the sun. The heat. The tropical scenery. With an American family. There aren't enough jobs. 13 exactly. I'll do it tomorrow. I work in finance.
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18 18
Have a safe trip back!
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Are you going to swim? Yes, I love swimming. Swim and lie in the sun. No, not too much. Here it is. No, but I'll find out. I didn't know I had to confirm. The Chinese atmosphere. A month.
20 20 Thank you. Yes, you really should.
Why don't you go to California then? 20 20
I can't go everywhere. That's my next stop. It's too far. Wine. Pleasure, I'm a tourist. Nothing, everything is beautiful. Chinatown. About 3 hours a day.
Are you going to visit the Space Center? Oh, I don't know. Yes, probably. No, I'm not. Who cares! Sorry, here's my passport. Wine. I don't have to worry about driving. I'm going to travel by Greyhound bus.
You should, it's worth the visit.
Watch out for the police!
Your trip is almost over. You are going to return home. Have you confirmed your reservation? Yes, everything is in order. I didn't know I had to confirm. I'll do it tomorrow. Do you have pizza? I go back to my hotel. What is the Chef's choice? About 3 hours a day. I go to the restroom.
© Copyright 2003-2004 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved
Bon voyage! Yes, you really should. Have a safe trip back! They serve it at the café across the street. Without paying? A T-bone steak. It's the last door on the left.
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21 21
Mystery Phrase [13 exercises] 1
A very tall building. skyscraper
A vehicle that holds many passengers. bus
A public eating place. restaurant
An intoxicating liquor. alcohol
A picturesque view. scenic
A drink made from fruit. orange juice
Slang word for ice used in bars. rocks
Neighborhood, city area. district
Sliced cut of meat, usually beef. steak
Alcoholic drink made from grapes. wine
Person who serves customers in a restaurant. waiter
Payment to use something for a period of time. rent
Drink before dinner. cocktail
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