Activity diagrams Example activity diagram

UML-Activity Diagrams. UML : Unified Modeling Language. • Use cases. • Class Diagram. • Interaction Diagrams. • State Diagrams. • Activity Diagrams.
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UML : Unified Modeling Language • • • • •

Use cases Class Diagram Interaction Diagrams State Diagrams Activity Diagrams

• based on Frank Maurer lecture, Univ. of Calgary (

• Recommended: UML distilled… (Addison Wesley) UML-Activity Diagrams 1

Activity diagrams

• Dynamic aspects of a system • Describe • parallel processing • workflows • Show flow from activity to activity • Activity conceptual: task to be done specification/implementation: method


[condition 1]

[condition 2]



[synchronization condition]


UML-Activity Diagrams 2

Example activity diagram

Put coffee in filter

Add water to reservoir

Put filter in machine

Turn on machine

UML-Activity Diagrams 3


Activity Diagram • To describe a complicated method • To describe a use case

UML-Activity Diagrams 4

Activity diagram for Use Cases • When we receive an order, we check each line item of the order to see if we have the goods in stock. If we do, we assign the goods to the order. If this assignment sends the quantity of goods in stock below the reorder level, we reorder the goods. While we are doing this, we check to see if the payment is OK. If the payment is OK and we have the goods in stock, we dispatch the order. If the payment is Ok but we do not have the goods, we leave the order waiting, if the payment is not OK, we cancel the order.

UML-Activity Diagrams 5



UML-Activity Diagrams 6

• When a supply delivery comes in, we look at the outstanding orders and decide which ones we can fill from this incoming supply. We then assign each of these to its appropriate orders. Doing this may release those orders for dispatching. We put the remaining goods in stock.

UML-Activity Diagrams 7

UML-Activity Diagrams 8

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UML-Activity Diagrams 11


[condition 1]

[condition 2]

[condition 1]

[condition 1]

[condition 2]


UML-Activity Diagrams 12

[condition 2]

Good structuring: well balanced operators

…………… ……………



.………..… ………….… OR-join

Explicit OR-split

UML-Activity Diagrams

Le joueur joue et tombe sur une rue

l a n cé l e s d é s

d i a g ra m m e a cti vi té p a ye r

d é p l a ce m e n t


ru e l i b re ?

Ca s e a rri vé e



a ch e te r ru e ?

d i a g ra m m e a cti vi té a j o u t p o s s e s s i o n


UML-Activity Diagrams 14

l a nce r_ d é s


[dé1=dé2] /nb_doubles++

s e _ d é p l a c e r ( to ta l _ d é ) [cas e=départ] ti re r _ c h a n c e

[cas e=chance]

re c e vo i r_ s a l a i re

[cas e=aller_pris on]

[cas e=com m unauté]

a l l e r _ p ri s o n

ti r e r _ c o m [cas e=terrain et propriétaire(0,num _joueur)]

[cas e=parc_gratuit]

p a ye r _ l o ye r b é n é fi c i e r

[cas e=impôts / taxes] p a ye r

[nb_doubles =1 ou 2] [nb_doubles =3]

[nb_doubles =0]

a l le r_ e n _ pri s o n

UML-Activity Diagrams 15

a van cer

l a nce r d és

[terrain vendu]

[le terrain ne m'appartient pas]

a rre t ca s e terrai n [le terrain m'appartient]

[terrain non vendu]

p a ye r l oye r [pas interressé pour acheter] [interressé pour acheter]

a che te r te rra i n s

UML-Activity Diagrams 16

jo u e u r c o u r a n t

jo u e u r li b r e

jo u e u r e m p riso n n é

jo u e r c la s s e p r is o n acheter m a is o n s

vendre m a is o n s

la n c e r le s d é s

in c r é m e n t e r n b d o u b le s

d o u b le n o n d o u b le so r t d e p riso n

r e s te e n p r is o n

n b d o u b le < 3

n b d o u b le s = 3 n o u ve lle c a s e c a se p riso n c ase c hanc e

e m p r is o n n e r

carte chance

c a se C a isse d e C o m m u n a u té P r o p r ié t é

to m b e s u r la c a se D é part

li b r e

ca rte co m m u n a u té

c a s e T a xe


C a s e P a r kin g


R e c e v o ir 4 0 . 0 0 0 F r s

R e c e v o ir A r g e n t

Ach ete r

p as ac h eter

P ayer Loyer

P ayer

P a y e r / R e c e v o ir

p a s d e d o u b le

A c t iv e r jo u e u r s u iv a n t


UML-Activity Diagrams