Labels with yellow numbers are based on the same test procedure. Compare ONLY with other labels with yellow numbers. Capacity: 15.6 Cubic Feet. 275. $33.
Federal law prohibits removal of this label before consumer purchase. Federal Federal law law prohibits prohibits removal removal ofof this this label label before before consumer consumer purchase. purchase.
Compare ONLY with other labels with yellow numbers. Labels with yellow numbers are based on with the same test procedure. Compare Compare ONLY ONLY with with other other labels labels with yellow yellow numbers. numbers. Labels Labels with with yellow yellow numbers numbers are are based based on on the the same same test test procedure. procedure.
Cost range not available Cost Cost range range not not available available
275 275
kWh kWh kWh Estimated Yearly Electricity Use
. . . .
Estimated EstimatedYearly YearlyElectricity ElectricityUse Use
Your cost will depend on your utility rates and use. Your Yourrange cost cost will will depend depend onchest your yourand utility utility rates rates and andmodels use. use. of similar capacity. Cost based only onon other freezer Cost Cost range rangeenergy based based only only on on chest chest and other other freezer freezer models models ofof similar similar capacity. capacity. Estimated cost based onand a national average electricity cost of 12 cents per kWh.cost Estimated Estimated energy energy cost based based on on aa national national average average electricity electricity cost cost ofof 12 cents cents per per kWh. kWh. 12
A01023502 A01023502 A01023502
Energy consumption / Consommation énergétique
per year / par année
This model / Ce modele 275 kWh
306 kWh
Uses least energy / Consomme le moins d'énergie Similar models compared Model number
Type 10 15.5 - 17.4 volume in ft.3 / volume en pi 3 FFCH16M5QW
Uses most energy / Consomme le plus d'énergie Modèles similaires comparés Numéro du modèle
Removal of this label before first retail purchase is an offense (S.C. 1992, c. 36). Enlever cette étiquette avant le premier achat au détail constitue une infraction (L.C. 1992, ch. 36).
The ENERGY STAR mark on this EnerGuide label signifies that this is an energy-efficient appliance. Its energy performance meets or exceeds the Government of Canada's high efficiency levels. Use the EnerGuide rating to determine how this appliance compares to other similar models. La marque ENERGY STAR sur cette étiquette ÉnerGuide signifie que l'appareil est éconergétique et que son rendement énergétique satisfait ou dépasse les niveauz de haute efficacité du gouvernement du Canada. Utilisez la cote ÉnerGuide afin de comparer le rendement de l'appareil avec celui d'autres modèles similaires.
This PDF is dedicated to the vast memories of. Caesar's Magical .... dard, common, Three Card Monte routine. Turn the page ... Then you learn or review the Basic Throw (The Hype). ... use this piece of trivia. .... If you'd like more information on T
Apr 1, 2012 - 001 Wind FT. Long. 002 Lightning DS. In ... 002 Roxon 500 Pro In. 003 Roxon 330. In ...... 017 Calibra LT Plus In. 018 Calibra LT Spin In.
highly desirable to automate the cross -site tie point selection process so that rover localization can be performed onboard autonomously. We are currently ...
désarmement, la gestion efficiente des stocks d'armes, l'éducation au dé- .... plus d'experts en technologies de l'information du Tchad, du Mali, de Mauritanie, de Madagascar, .... Plan d'application du programme de désarmement du Secré-.
The assembly method remains the same. Le support à matelas et la tête de lit illustré peut être différent du modèle acheté. La méthode d'assemblage demeure ...
In Mars rover missions, localization of the rover with a high degree of accuracy is of fundamental importance both for safe rover ... odometry (VO) technique is applied when the rover travels on slopes or across loose soils in ... Extensive experimen
Direction générale de l'électricité. Le 21 janvier 2010. Monsieur Denis Taillon. Société de l'énergie communautaire du lac Saint—Jean. 1425. rue Ouiatchouan.
A sensitivity analysis on the pricingMtoMmarket, the size of the non tradeable sector ... Ñ where e is the nominal exchange rate between country 1 and country 2, ...... Backus, D., P. Kehoe, and F. Kydland, International Business Cycles: Theory ...
Sep 13, 2014 - report over on page 12, where we play through the new Beachhead ... Above - Space Hulk uses counters to track Genestealer movements, entry points ...... the space hulk the Wurld Killa, a far more evocative name and one that summed up .
2011 - May 2011: Senior Software Engineer, ##IBM - Discover the features, ... Integrated a new algorithm in the Capable-To-Match module of SAP's APO. Feb.
8 juil. 2016 - services d'éducation et à demander des comptes à ceux dont les pratiques entravent la jouissance du droit à l'éducation, et à appuyer les activités de recherche et de sensibilisation afin de mieux comprendre les vastes répercussions de