2012 European Championships UIBBN in Spain

2012 – at Sitges (Barcelona). Organized by the Catalan Federation of Bodybuilding. Responsable Mr. Enrique TORRENT MANDES. Phone - Fax 00 (34) 93 323 ...
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European championships UIBBN June 2012 - in SPAIN June Friday 15th and Saturday 16th - 2012 – at Sitges (Barcelona)

Organized by the Catalan Federation of Bodybuilding Responsable Mr. Enrique TORRENT MANDES Phone - Fax 00 (34) 93 323 18 99 – e-mail : [email protected] ________________________________________________________________

All enrollement : please send your delegation list Familyname,given name,category and weight of the athlete

To the secretariat of-UIBBN - e-mail: [email protected]

Accommodation Principal : Melia Hotel Sitges Joan Salvat Papasseit, 38, 08870, Sitges - Barcelona Spain Double room € 110 occupancy, with breakfast buffet included Room reservations: Eva Roca: e- mail: [email protected] Phone: 00 (34) 93 8110811 - Fax: 00 (34) 93 89 49 492 E-mail: [email protected] - www.melia-sitges.com ___________________________________________________________________________

June, Friday 15th - 2012 From 3: 00 pm to 5: 00 pm : athletes weighing, at Melia Hotel (For a country not affiliated, the engagement by athlete is 50,00 €, For a country affiliated, the engagement by athlete is 15 € This sum is payable before the weighting to the treasurer of the UIBBN.

June, Saturday, 16th - 2012 Competition : Place: Melia Hotel Auditorium of Sitges Joan Salvat Papasseit, 38, 08870, Sitges - Barcelona Spain Prejudging at 9.00 am - Final at 4.00 pm

Secrétariat : UIBBN – 903 Route de Michaux 1 – 97190 Gosier - France Tel 00 590 690 71 98 67 - Fax: 00 590 590 89 30 13 E-mail : [email protected] - Site : uibbn.free.fr