Inductosyn & Optical Incremental Sensor. Measurement task: Measure the characteristic of the inductosyn sensor, i.e. the dependence of the voltage across.
10. Sensors for Measurement of the Position Objectives: Learn the physical principles and function of the following position sensors: - inductive transformation sensor (inductosyn) - linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) - optical incremental sensor - ultrasonic sensor
Inductosyn & Optical Incremental Sensor Measurement task: Measure the characteristic of the inductosyn sensor, i.e. the dependence of the voltage across the coils on the moving part (“slider“) on the position, in the range of one mechanical period of the “ruler” (approx. 2 mm). The reference (“right”) value of the position is sensed by an optical incremental sensor MS 30, connected to the intelligent indicator Modig 221. The indicator sensitivity is 1 µm / digit. Linear positioning system Microcon with the InMotion software is used for controlling the position.
Measurement procedure: a) Connect voltage of the maximum amplitude and frequency of 50 kHz from the generator to the stator winding (“ruler”). b) Connect the outputs of the two rotor windings (“slider”) to the inputs of the HP 34401A multimeter configured as following: AC voltage measurement (not default !) 5-digits display c) Use the possibility to measure on both coils at the same time using the Front / Rear inputs, switched by the button at the front panel of the instrument. d) By means of the control program find the position, where there is a zero voltage across one of the rotor windings (and maximum voltage across the other of the rotor windings). Measure the output voltage U1(x), U2(x) on the both windings of the rotor in 20 - 30 positions in order to cover the whole mechanical period of the “ruler”. e) Compute the output value corresponding to the position from the results of the measurement, i.e. determine the dependence of the function “arctg (U2 / U1)“ on the “slider” position. Consider that both voltage waveforms change their phase by 360° during movement of one step (about 2 mm). Since the used multimeter measures only the effective (RMS) value, ignoring the phase of the voltage, you have to observe the signals on the oscilloscope and mark correctly the sign of voltage values. Use triggering by the supply signal from generator. In practice, synchronous detection is often used for the processing of the inductosyn output signals, so that the problem with the sign is not present. f) Verify that the dependences of the voltages U1(x), U2(x) on position x are shifted by ¼ of period (mechanical) and the sum (U 12 + U 22 ) depends on the position only very slightly.
Hi U1
G U2 I
REAR Lo HP 34401 A
Fig. 10.1 Inductosyn circuitry
Fig. 10.2 Inductosyn principle – fixed ruler and slider with two planar coils
Notes: Use laplink (serial) cable to connect InMotion control board to the computer. Set the supply voltage of the InMotion control board to 10V/0.5A. If the program does not display a “successful connection” message at the startup, then: 1) Check the voltage supply for the control board 2) Go to the menu “Configuration/Serial Setup Dialog”, leave the defaults, and press OK. Do not run the device to the extreme positions on either end to avoid damage of motor. Position control: Use menu MOVE / FORWARD or BACKWARD for the movement with certain number of steps. Choose the middle option „number of steps in current full step division“ and step size 2. The movement is executed by menu MOVE / RUN. The hot key F9 is used for execution / repeating of given command.
Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) Measurement task: Learn the principle of the LVDT. Measure its characteristic (transfer function); estimate the resolution of the measurement. Measure the characteristic around zero position in detail; focus also on the both end-positions of the sensor.
Fig. 10.3 – The LVDT principle
Ultrasonic distance sensor This sensor employs the sonar-principle, i.e. it measures the round-trip time interval between the emitted ultrasonic pulse and received reflected “echo”. For creating and receiving the ultrasonic pulse, only one ultrasound transducer is used.
Measurement task: Connect the digital oscilloscope to the outputs of the sensor device and observe the waveforms of the transmitted and received pulse. Measure the time delay between these events, and from the known value of the sound speed in the air calculate the respective distance. Compare the computed value to the reading displayed on the device. Note that the device reading corresponds to distance from the lower edge of the instrument housing, not from the transducer’s membrane. Therefore it is necessary to consider the distance from the lower edge to the membrane (12 cm). What error can be caused by temperature dependence of the sound velocity in the air? Note: The sound speed in air is approximately
v(t ) = 331,8 + 0,6 ⋅ t where t is temperature in °C.
Runtime Testability of Component-based Systems. Alberto González. ´Eric Piel ... operations (such as air traffic control systems, systems ..... even power consumption restrictions. ..... ported by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs un- der the
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). â» Iterative methods. â» Recursive methods. A. Mohammad-Djafari, Sensors, Measurement systems and Inverse problems ...
... and Inverse problems. Exercises. Ali Mohammad-Djafari. Laboratoire des Signaux et Syst`emes, ... Files: .... In a measurement system, we have established the following relation:
Not simply the purchase cost, but also the installed/operating costs? â· Installation problems: Special installation problems, e.g., corrosive fluids, explosive.
Indirect measurement and inverse problems ..... infinity and the expected number of successes remains fixed ...... Inverse problems: Regularization theory ...... Sensors, Measurement systems and Inverse problems,. 2012-2013. 104/112 ...
This element can be a verb, an adjective, another adverb or an entire sentence. ... Put the words in the correct order. ... Reading Exercise with the Teacher. 5 min.
I have sent the email to Heather as well. (also). 5. Most of the time, I go to the same gas station. (usually). 6. I would love to go to Asia someday. (never). 7.
Where should the adjective(s) be in a sentence? The big brown box is ... several adjectives. In this case, the order is from general to ... Writing Exercise. 5 min.
air data measurement methods; includes references and bibliography. ⢠Measurement of Static Pressure on Aircraft (Report 1364). ⢠detailed information on how ...
One of the most technical constraints of this project is the radiopurity in 208Tl and 214Bi of the betabeta source foils, that is why the BiPo detector, dedicated to ...
The technique of phase-measuring profilometry has been extensively studied.1. The intensity recorded in the measurement is a cyclical function of the phase,.
Transport properties of a given fluorescent species are ob- tained from the ... depends upon the sequence of chemical reactions, as well as upon the duration ...
distributed, would prove socially indifferent to the original subgroup distribution. Une nouvelle ... For example, given a measure of income inequality, how much of this ..... Then $ = 8.94, $1 = 8, .... ity would use these two numbers as primitives.
1Jorge Durán acknowledges financial support from IVIE, Generalitat Valenciana, and from ... For economic index number theory see IMF (2004, chapter 17) or.
i=1, 2, with n1+n2=n, dn(x, y)=Fn(dn1(x1, y1), dn2(x2, y2)) ...... There are some advantages in ... try[ing] to catch the extent of inequality in some objective sense...
it is doubtful that any method involving evenly distributed contamination layers would adequately represent field service. Historically, in South Africa, the amount ...
... (M. Marcoux). Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 5092â5104 .... at any moment, the flux N1 is given by its one-dimensional,. Bath temperature.
May 16, 2007 - The observer can see whether an object is moving at all, rather than moving relative to the .... This is a tricky case, because it can look like an ...