1 The model

price of the final good, Rt−1 is the nominal interest rate, wt and zt are the real wage rate and real rental rate of capital. The household owns kt units of physical ...
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The model

The set up is standard. The economy is populated by a large number of identical infinitely– lived households and economy consists of two sectors: one producing intermediate goods and the other final goods. The intermediate good is produced with capital and labor and the final good with intermediate goods. The final good is homogeneous and can be used for consumption (private and public) and investment purposes.


The Household

Household preferences are characterized by the lifetime utility function:1 Et

∞ X


β U

τ =0

Mt+τ , ℓt+τ ct+τ , Pt+τ


where 0 < β < 1 is a constant discount factor,  c denotes consumption , M/P real balances M and ℓ leisure. The utility function,U c, P , ℓ : R+ × R+ × [0, 1] −→ R is increasing and concave in its arguments. The household is subject to the following time constraint ℓt + ht = 1


where h denotes hours worked. The total time endowment is normalized to unity. In each and every period, the representative household faces a budget constraint of the form Bt + Mt + Pt (ct + xt + τt ) ≤ Rt−1 Bt−1 + Mt−1 + Nt + Πt + Pt wt ht + Pt zt kt


where Bt are Mt are nominal bonds and money acquired during period t, Pt is the nominal price of the final good, Rt−1 is the nominal interest rate, wt and zt are the real wage rate and real rental rate of capital. The household owns kt units of physical capital, makes an additional investment of xt , consumes ct and supplies ht units of labor. It pays lump sum taxes τt , receives a transfer of money Nt from the government and finally claims the profits, Πt , earned by the firms. Capital accumulates according to the law of motion kt+1 = xt + (1 − δ)kt


δ ∈ [0, 1] denotes the rate of depreciation. 1 Et (.) denotes mathematical conditional expectations. Expectations are conditional on information available at the beginning of period t.

The first order conditions lead to the following money demand equation (c)

Uc (t) = Pt Λt





Uℓ (t) = Pt Λt wt Um (t) + βEt Λt+1 Λt = Pt λt = βEt [Λt+1 Pt+1 (zt+1 + 1 − δ)]


Λt = βRt Et Λt+1


(M )

(7) (8)

where Λt denotes the Lagrange multiplier associated to the budget constraint.


Final sector

The final good is produced by combining intermediate goods. This process is described by the following CES function Z 1  θ1 θ yt = (10) yt (i) di 0

where θ ∈ (−∞, 1). θ determines the elasticity of substitution between the various inputs. The producers in this sector are assumed to behave competitively and to determine their demand for each good, yt (i), i ∈ (0, 1) by maximizing the static profit equation Z 1 max Pt yt − Pt (i)yt (i)di (11) {Xt (i)}i∈(0,1)


subject to (10), where Pt (i) denotes the price of intermediate good i. This yields demand functions of the form:   1 Pt (i) θ−1 yt (12) yt (i) = Pt and the following general price index

Pt =




Pt (i)

θ θ−1

 θ−1 θ di


The final good may be used for consumption — private or public — and investment purposes.


Intermediate goods producers

Each firm i, i ∈ (0, 1), produces an intermediate good by means of capital and labor according to a constant returns–to–scale technology, represented by the production function yt (i) = at kt (i)α ht (i)1−α with α ∈ (0, 1)


where kt (i) and ht (i) respectively denote the physical capital and the labor input used by firm i in the production process. at is an exogenous stationary stochastic technology shock. Assuming that each firm i operates under perfect competition in the input markets, the firm determines its production plan so as to minimize its total cost min

{kt (i),ht (i)}

Pt wt ht (i) + Pt zt kt (i)

subject to (14). This yields to the following expression for total costs: Pt st yt (i) where the real marginal cost, s, is given by

wt1−α ztα ∆at

with ∆ = αα (1 − α)1−α

Intermediate goods producers are monopolistically competitive, and therefore set prices for the good they produce. We follow Calvo [1983] in assuming that firms set their prices for a stochastic number of periods. In each and every period, a firm either gets the chance to adjust its price (an event occurring with probability q) or it does not. When the firm Figure 1: Price adjustment scheme

(1 − q)3 (1 − q)2 1−q

q(1 − q)


Π(π ⋆2 Pet (i)) q(1 − q)2

Π(π ⋆ Pet (i))

Π(Pet (i))


Π(Pet+3 (i))

Π(Pet+2 (i))

q Π(Pet+1 (i))

does not reset its price, it just applies steady state inflation to the price it charged in the last period such that Pt (i) = π ⋆ Pt−1 (i). When it gets a chance to do it, firm i resets its price, Pet (i), in period t in order to maximize its expected discounted profit flow this new price will generate. In period t, the profit is given by Π(Pet (i)). In period t + 1, either the firm resets its price, such that it will get Π(Pet+1 (i)) with probability q, or it does not and its t + 1 profit will be Π(π ⋆ Pet (i)) with probability (1 − q). Likewise in t + 2. Figure 1 summarizes all

possibilities, such that the expected profit flow generated by setting Pet (i) in period t writes max Et Pet (i)

∞ X τ =0

subject to the total demand it faces:

Φt+τ (1 − q)τ −1 Π(π ⋆ τ Pet (i))

yt (i) =

Pt (i) Pt

1 θ−1


  and where Π(π ⋆ τ Pet+τ (i)) = π ⋆ τ Pet (i) − Pt+τ st+τ yt+τ (i). Φt+τ is an appropriate discount factor related to the way the household value future as opposed to current consumption, such that Λt+τ Φt+τ ∝ β τ Λt This leads to the price setting equation θPet (i)Et

∞ X

π ⋆ τ Pet (i) Pt+τ

(βπ ⋆ (1−q))τ Λt+τ

τ =0


1 θ−1

yt+τ = Et

∞ X

(β(1−q))τ Λt+τ

τ =0

π ⋆ τ Pet (i) Pt+τ


1 θ−1

Pt+τ st+τ yt+τ

from which it shall be clear that all firms that reset their price in period t set it at the same level (Pet (i) = Pet , for all i ∈ (0, 1)). This implies that Pn Pet = t d θPt

where Ptn = Et

∞ X

(β(1 − q))τ Λt+τ

τ =0


π ⋆ τ Pet Pt+τ

∞ X Ptd = Et (βπ ⋆ (1 − q))τ Λt+τ τ =0



1 θ−1

π ⋆ τ Pet Pt+τ

Pt+τ st+τ yt+τ !

1 θ−1


Fortunately, both Ptn and Ptd admit a recursive representation, such that Ptn = Λt

Pet Pt

Ptd = Λt

Pet Pt


1 θ−1


1 θ−1

n Pt st yt + β(1 − q)Et Pt+1


d yt + βπ ⋆ (1 − q)Et Pt+1


Recall now that the price index is given by Pt =




Pt (i)

θ θ−1

 θ−1 θ di

In fact it is composed of surviving contracts and newly set prices. Given that in each an every period a price contract has a probability q of ending, the probability that a contract signed in period t − j survives until period t and ends at the end of period t is given by q(1 − q)j . Therefore, the aggregate price level may be expressed as the average of all surviving contracts   θ−1 θ ∞ X θ j j ⋆ Pt =  q(1 − q) (π Pet−j ) θ−1  j=0

which can be expressed recursively as


  θ−1 θ θ θ θ−1 ⋆ Pt = q Pet + (1 − q)(π Pt−1 ) θ−1


The monetary authorities

Money is exogenously supplied by the central bank according to the following money growth rule: Mt = µt Mt−1 (19) where µt > 1 is the exogenous gross rate of growth of money, such that Nt = Mt − Mt−1 = (µt − 1)Mt−1 . µt will be assumed to be an exogenous stochastic process.


The government

The government finances government expenditure on the domestic final good using lump sum taxes (gt = τt ). The stationary component of government expenditures is assumed to follow an exogenous stochastic process, whose properties will be defined later.


The Equilibrium

e ∞ An equilibrium of this economy is a sequence of prices {Pt }∞ t=0 = {wt , zt , Pt , Rt , Pt }t=0 and ∞ H ∞ F ∞ a sequence of quantities {Qt }t=0 = {{Qt }t=0 , {Qt }t=0 } with ∞ {QH t }t=0 = {ct , xt , Bt , kt+1 , ht , Mt }

∞ ∞ {QH t }t=0 = {yt , yt (i), kt (i), ht (i); i ∈ (0, 1)}t=0

such that:

H ∞ (i) given a sequence of prices {Pt }∞ t=0 and a sequence of shocks, {Qt }t=0 is a solution to the representative household’s problem; F ∞ (ii) given a sequence of prices {Pt }∞ t=0 and a sequence of shocks, {Qt }t=0 is a solution to the representative firms’ problem; ∞ (iii) given a sequence of quantities {Qt }∞ t=0 and a sequence of shocks, {Pt }t=0 clears the markets

(iv) Prices are set satisfy (15) and (18). Simple as it seems, there are actually some issues concerning aggregation which should be considered. First of all, how should we define an aggregate economy? Let us first recall that from the optimal intermediate good producer’s programm, we get kt (i) α wt kt (i) kt = ⇐⇒ = ∀i ∈ (0, 1) ht (i) 1 − α zt ht (i) ht where kt =



kt (i)di and ht = 0



ht (i)di 0

The production function for a given intermediate good producer therefore delivers  α kt ht (i) yt (i) = at ht which implies that



1 0

yt (i)di = at ktα ht1−α

However, the quantity 0 yt (i)di differs from yt , the definition of which involving the elasticity of substitution between goods. RTherefore, plugging the expression for the demand for an 1 individual intermediate good in 0 yt (i)di, we get Z


yt (i)di = 0




Pt (i) Pt

We therefore have this component


1 θ−1

yt di =







Pt (i) θ−1 diPt1−θ yt


Pt (i) θ−1 di 0

which differs from the aggregate price level (see (13)). We therefore define Pt =




Pt (i)

1 θ−1

θ−1 di

Note that just as the aggregate price level, and for the same reasons, this price aggregate admits a recursive formulation  θ−1 1 1 θ−1 ⋆ e θ−1 + (1 − q)(π P t−1 ) P t = q Pt Hence, we get



yt (i)di =


Pt Pt

1  θ−1

yt = at ktα ht1−α

which relates the aggregate level of the final good to an aggregate technology through a relative price. The good market clearing condition simply writes as yt = ct + xt + gt

2 2.1

Solving the model Deflating the economy

So far, we assumed no growth in this economy. However, nominal variables grow at the rate µ. We therefore need to deflate all nominal variables. For convenience, we use Pt as a deflator, implying that e d e = Pt , p = P t , m = Mt , λt = Λt Pt , pd t t t = Pt Pt , p Pt t Pt Pt

n for notational convenience, we will now use the lowercase for pn t = Pt . Finally, we note πt = Pt /Pt−1 . Collecting all deflated equations, we end up with the system: Uc (t) = λt


Uℓ (t) = λt wt Um (t) Rt − 1 = Uc (t) Rt λt = βEt [λt+1 (zt+1 + 1 − δ)] λt+1 λt = βRt Et πt+1 ht + ℓt = 1



yt = ct + xt + gt


1 θ−1


yt = at ktα ht1−α

(22) (23) (24)

(27) α

wt = (1 − α)st at (kt /ht )


zt = αst at (kt /ht )α−1


kt+1 = xt + (1 − δ)kt


mt = µt mt−1 /πt pn pet = td θpt

(31) (32)


pn etθ−1 st yt + β(1 − q)Et pn t = λt p t+1 1 pd pd etθ−1 yt + βπ ⋆ (1 − q)Et t+1 t = λt p πt+1  ⋆  θ ! θ−1 θ θ π θ−1 1 = qe ptθ−1 + (1 − q) πt 1 θ−1

pt =

qe pt

+ (1 − q)

π⋆ p πt t−1

1 θ−1

(33) (34)

(35) !θ−1


The log–linear representation of the system is given by bt ζcc b ct + ζcm m b t + ζcℓ ℓbt = λ bt + w ζℓc b ct + ζℓm m b t + ζℓℓ ℓbt = λ bt


(38) b b (R − 1)(ζmc − ζcc )b ct + (R − 1)(ζmm − ζcm )m b t + (R − 1)(ζmℓ − ζcℓ )ℓt = Rt (39) b b (40) λt = Et λt+1 + (1 − β(1 − δ))Et zbt+1 ⋆

bt = R bt+1 − Et π b t + Et λ λ bt+1 ⋆b ⋆ b h ht + (1 − h )ℓt = 0 ybt =



b ct +

x⋆ y⋆

x bt +







b pt + ybt = b at + αb kt + (1 − α)b ht θ−1 w bt = sbt + b at + αb kt − αb ht zbt = sbt + b at + (1 − α)b ht − (1 − α)b kt

(44) (45) (46)

b kt+1 = δb xt + (1 − δ)b kt

m bt = µ bt + m b t−1 − π bt n d b pet = pbt − pbt " n bt + pbt = (1 − β(1 − q)) λ

(47) (48) #

b pet + sbt + ybt + β(1 − q)Et pbn t+1 θ−1

(49) (50)


# i h b p e t b pbd bt+1 + ybt + β(1 − q) Et pbd t = (1 − β(1 − q)) λt + t+1 − Et π θ−1

0 = qb pet − (1 − q)b πt b pt = qb pet + (1 − q)(b pt−1 − π bt )

(51) (52) (53)

Note that from equation (52), we have 1−q b π bt pet = q

Plugging this result in (53), we end up with b pt = b pt−1 , implying that if the economy is started b from its steady state level, pt = 0 for all t, which we will consider hereafter. This implies that (44) becomes ybt = b at + αb kt + (1 − α)b ht From, (50) and (51), we have

i h d = (1 − β(1 − q))b n − E pbd + E π pbn − p b s + β(1 − q) E p b b t t t+1 t t+1 t t+1 t t

Further, from (49) and (52), we get that

1−q b pet = pbn bd π bt t −p t = q

which then implies that π bt =

q(1 − β(1 − q)) sbt + βEt π bt+1 1−q

Hence we may reduce the system to ζcc b ct + ζcm m b t − ζcℓ

h⋆ b ht 1 − h⋆

 h⋆ b (ζ − ζ ) ht = sbt + b at + αb kt ℓℓ cℓ 1 − h⋆ bt R h⋆ b h = (ζmc − ζcc )b ct + (ζmm − ζcm )m b t − (ζmℓ − ζcℓ ) t 1 − h⋆ R⋆ − 1 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ c x g ybt = ⋆ b ct + ⋆ x bt + ⋆ gbt y y y ybt = b at + αb kt + (1 − α)b ht  (ζℓc − ζcc )b ct + (ζℓm − ζcm )m bt + α −

zbt = sbt + b at + (1 − α)b ht − (1 − α)b kt b b kt+1 = δb xt + (1 − δ)kt

(54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60)

m bt = µ bt + m b t−1 − π bt b b λt = Et λt+1 + (1 − β(1 − δ))Et zbt+1

b t − Et π =R bt+1

(1 − β(1 − δ))Et zbt+1 q(1 − β(1 − q)) π bt = sbt + βEt π bt+1 1−q

Plus some stochastic processes for the forcing variables b at , gbt , µ bt .

(61) (62) (63) (64)